Category Archives: Election

The Clown Show

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Tuesday is the beginning of the Washington elites’ third bite at the apple of impeachment.  Yes, that’s right.  This is the third attempt to remove PDJT from office via the impeachment route.  What’s that you say?  PDJT is no longer in office so how can they impeach him?  In the circus that is Washington, anything is possible.  When you have a Speaker of the House who has an all-consuming hatred of PDJT, all it takes is a little pixie dust, a healthy dose of insanity and a new Army of the Potomac to protect you from everyday Americans. ... 

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When George Floyd died of a drug overdose despite the efforts of four police officers to save his life, the whole country knew who the four officers were the next day.  The media created a false narrative that the officers murdered Floyd by keeping him pinned to the ground.  The officers’ names were broadcast ad nauseum.

Ashli Babbitt was shot and killed by a Capitol police officer on January 6th.  The circumstances of that killing are still unknown.  The name of the officer has still not been released.  Why?

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Amazon is seeking to block mail-in votes in an upcoming unionization vote.

Workers at a warehouse in Bessemer, Alabama, are scheduled to vote soon on whether to unionize, with ballots being sent out on Feb. 8. The National Labor Relations Board said earlier this month that the vote would take place entirely by mail because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

An Amazon spokesperson stated,

“We believe that the best approach to a valid, fair and successful election is one that is conducted manually, in-person.  We will continue to insist on measures for a fair election, and we want everyone to vote, so our focus is ensuring that’s possible.”

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Rush Limbaugh on Evil

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While China Joe was sworn in as America’s 46th president on Wednesday, talk-radio star Rush Limbaugh said he believes the Democrats are fully aware the 2020 presidential election was illegitimate.  Of course, close to half the registered voters in the country believe that massive fraud took place.  But the main stream media still wants us to believe that there is “no evidence of fraud.”

Rush was careful in his choice of words as he opened his monologue.  I suppose he doesn’t want some idiot filing a defamation suit over the fraud that took place. ... 

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The hypocrisy of the Democrats and their allies in the media knows no limit.  Now that China Joe is headed to be a pretend President, certain blue state elites are beginning to scream for an end to lockdowns.

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Capitol Protesters Speak

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As I pointed out yesterday, in this age of media narrative writing that comes from whole cloth, it is great to be able to listen to primary sources, real witnesses.  More and more such people are standing up and telling their stories.  These need to be repeated far and wide.  We cannot allow the MSM to control what information gets out about what happened.

The internet allows for a greater reach for all voices that choose to stand up.  Browse through the comments sections of sites that have a big following and one will find a deluge of insights into what is going on.  It can also be a place to put true reports that can be picked up and repeated.

This is how half the country has come to believe that massive fraud took place in the election.  One certainly did not find that story on the Washington Post or the NYTimes.  They are still trying to smother that story.

So, why did hundreds of thousands of people (I was one of them) show up in DC last week to protest the results of a presidential election?  What did they hope to accomplish?  Why isn’t the media asking these questions?

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Fake News

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As noted yesterday, we are faced with an unprecedented assault on our liberties and freedoms.  And the MSM are leading the charge.  And they are not going to stop.  They put words in people’s mouths to condemn them.  They invent narratives to meet their needs.  The current “reporting” on January 6th is a theatrical production designed to oust the President and his followers, to shame people who have done nothing wrong and to end the American republic.

Marty Owen has published a piece over at that I will excerpt here.  The basic tenet that Owen makes is that one needs to use reason and common sense when evaluating the narratives put forward by the lame-stream media.

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Stop The Media

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We are faced with an unprecedented assault on our liberties and freedoms.  And the MSM are leading the charge.  And they are not going to stop.  They can’t or won’t change.  They keep throwing dishonesty and hypocrisy at us that is so blatant that it can feel like we have entered an alternate reality.

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Truth Is A Menace

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The most dangerous thing that any totalitarian regime fears is the truth.  In America today anyone who dares to speak out against the new regime, who dares to espouse a different worldview, becomes a target.  They must be silenced.

Stop The Steal is one such movement.  It is not just PDJT and his 100+ million supporters of American freedom and liberty who can be problematic for the globalists who wish to rule the world.  It is anyone whose voice does not rise up in harmony with them.

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It Gets Worse

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Start with a title like this and one has to wonder just what has gotten worse.  Is it the tech companies censoring conservative voices on the Internet. Yes, that has gotten worse.  I could write a lot about that.  But that is not where I am headed.

Is it about the media creating lies out of whole cloth?  Yes, that has gotten worse.  Just look at the stories that the media is spinning about last Wednesday.  I was there.  I could write volumes about that.  But that is not where I am headed.

Where I am headed is to expose more of the involvement of government people in the massive fraud that took place in our most recent Presidential election.  Just when you think it couldn’t possibly be worse than what we have seen so far, something new comes along to top that.

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