Category Archives: Election

Minor Insanities

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The Biden-Harris administration (yes, it’s official now.  The Democrats are beginning the transition to a Harris Presidency) is shutting down the southwest end of the National Mall around the Tidal Basin during two-week peak cherry blossom time.

Why you might ask?  It is being done so that the public will not walk around in the sunshine and fresh air to view the annual spectacle.  Apparently cherry blossoms are a particularly nasty spreader of the COVID-19 virus (sarc).

The Jefferson, MLK and FDR memorials will also be closed to keep the public away from the nasty cherry blossoms.

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Kneel In Front Of Your Rulers

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The following says so much about the individuals who were working in the DOJ during the last few decades.  It also points out and exposes the totalitarian nature of the left.

Glenn Kirschner, a former federal prosecutor who now works at least occasionally for MSNBC, wants all businesses in this country to take a pledge that states in part that “The 2020 presidential election was free and fair, and produced accurate, reliable results.”

The “Democracy Pledge” is nothing of the sort.  It is an attempt to cement a lie into existence.  This pledge is clearly a violation of the 1st and 5th Amendments.  The Pledge also includes an affirmation supporting democracy as part of supporting this egregious falsehood.

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Industrial Scale Fraud

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While some of the furor over the election fraud that took place has receded, the fact remains that industrial level fraud took place during the 2020 election.  Jay Valentine over at American Thinker has penned several insightful pieces about the fraud that took place.  Last week Jay wrote about a meeting with some of the top criminal profilers in the world.  The profilers’ comments were chilling.  As were Jay Valentine’s insights.

Here is a brief summary.

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Democrats Are Killing The Economy

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This administration is killing jobs and exporting American jobs to other countries.  The Democrats are anti-American and are evil, racist and corrupt.  They do not care about Americans.  They only care about power and money.

Ford announced this week that it plans to move a major project from its Avon Lake plant in northeast Ohio to Mexico. Ford thus reneged a promise made during the Trump administration to invest $900 million in the new project to build an electric vehicle there.  The original agreement called for a complete revitalization of the Avon Lake facility.

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Odds & Ends

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The exodus of companies from Minneapolis proper continues.  Target Corporation, the eighth largest retailer in America, announced in an email to employees on Thursday that it will be leaving the City Center, its primary downtown Minneapolis location.

Company officials cited improved remote work opportunities and less need for space as the drivers for the decision.  Was avoiding rioters somewhere on that list of drivers?

“The View” co-host Joy Behar declared the far-left group Antifa is a “fictitious idea” and “not a real thing” on Monday despite its well-documented history of violence. ... 

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Sydney Powell Explosive Interview

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On Thursday, Sydney Powel  did an explosive interview carried on BEK TV with Doug Billings.  Powell touched on a variety of topics.  The common thread on these topics is the very dark side of American politics that Powell claims powers much of the evil that we see in Washington and elsewhere.

Doug Billings asked Powell about why Bill Barr let us down and did not pursue legal cases/investigations about election fraud Ms. Powell responded: “frankly I think it is something much darker than that.”

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It Is Their Turn Now

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The radical left (think communists) believe that it is their turn now.  They believe they can remake America into a communist country. Basic liberties have been taken away.  They have used the pandemic to attack the Bill of Rights.  They are masterfully taking a firm hold on destroying America.  Many Americans have become submissive sheep to this process.

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Random Quotes

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Former Gen. Stanley McChrystal:

“I did see a similar dynamic in the evolution of al-Qaida in Iraq where a whole generation of angry Arab youth with very poor prospects followed a powerful leader who promised to take them back in time to a better place, and he led them to embrace an ideology that justified their violence. This is now happening in America.”

McChrystal is, of course, referring to PDJT as the powerful leader.  Just how has PDJT led people to embrace violence as a solution to the problems plaguing the country?  Did PDJT encourage BLM and Antifa to burn, pillage, loot and kill during the summer?  Did PDJT order the police to stand down and allow burning, pillaging, looting and killing?  Did PDJT encourage and foment violence in the wake of the most brazen election fraud in the history of the country?

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Random Idiocy

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There are legitimate concerns over the use of artificial intelligence.  While it is a great labor saver, there are situations when its abilities are somewhat constrained.

Steve Sailer has an interesting example over at

“We hear much about the menace posed by racist robots, but mighty Google appears to have succeeded in inventing artificial intelligence with the natural stupidity of a professor of intersectionality.

“Late last year, a YouTuber who produces popular chess videos found that his channel was blocked over charges of ‘harmful and dangerous’ content.  Even though the channel was restored within 24 hours, YouTube did not explain why it had blocked Croatian chess player Antonio Radic, also known as ‘Agadmator,’ from its platform briefly, the Dailymail reported.”

Experts who viewed the comments section theorize that it was words like “white,” “black,” “attack,” and “threat” that caused Google AI filters to think that the comments were racist.  A test of several hundred thousand chess comments revealed that AI software flagged an overwhelming majority (82%) of them as problematic.

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