Category Archives: Election

Joe Biden’s America

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Another example of Joe Biden’s America was on display recently in a suburb of Minneapolis called Hugo.

John Thompson, a Democrat who is running for the State House in Minnesota, suggested that the Minneapolis suburb of Hugo be burned down. He said this while ranting outside the home of Minneapolis Police Federation President Bob Kroll during a Black Lives Matter protest

“I didn’t come here to be peaceful,” Thompson said, going on to accuse Kroll of being a member of the Ku Klux Klan, even going so far as to claim that he was the Grand Wizard. ... 

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Nicholas Sandmann…Simple & Direct…Abby Johnson

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Perhaps the highlight of the RNC on Tuesday evening was a young man who became the target of the media, of Hollywood celebrities, etc.  A teenage boy was actually threatened with death multiple times by these people.

The facts are not in question.  Nick Sandmann was confronted by a man, who was portrayed as a peaceful Native American, who was supposed to be a Vietnam veteran.  This were bald-faced lies.  Despite extreme provocation by the man, Nick stood quietly without responding. The media attacked the 16-year-old boy.  Why?  Because he was wearing a red MAGA hat. This was fueled entirely by their hatred of Trump.  These unbridled activities by the media to smear Nick later resulted in lawsuits which some media outlets have already settled (notably CNN and WaPo).

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Seattle Update

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It keeps getting worse.  No Democrat has spoken out against the violence, the looting, the mayhem that has beset many urban centers in America.  By their silence the Democrats are promoting violence in cities like Seattle, Portland, New York, etc.

Rioters in Seattle escalated the stakes on Wednesday.  The rioters attempted to seal police officers inside of the East Precinct building by using concrete to lock the door before setting fire to the building.  Journalist Jason Rantz reported,

“Seattle rioters used a substance suspected to be concrete to seal shut the door to the East Precinct, the Seattle Police Department has confirmed. At the same time, the rioters tried to set fire to the building. ATF is now involved.” ... 

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Black Diversity

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Joe Biden is a never-ending look inside the minds of Democratic politicians.  Why?  Because Biden often actually speaks out loud what Democratic politicians think and believe.  Recently, during a speech to Hispanic voters, Biden had this to say.

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Herschel Walker At The RNC

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Herschel Walker describes his 38-year friendship with President Donald Trump.  In his remarks Mr. Walker puts a face on the person we know as the people’s president.

Awesome speech!  This may have been the best speech of Monday night.  Honest, straightforward and on the money.  The content of his message and the its delivery could not have been more effective. ... 

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A Promise Kept

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This is an inspiring story of redemption.  Jon Ponder, a thrice convicted felon, expressed his deep and profound thanks to President Trump for keeping his promise.  Ponder had been part of PDJT’s criminal justice reform panel.  Ponder runs a program that helps released felons re-integrate into society.  PDJT had promised to come to one of Ponder’s graduations.  In February PDJT did just that.  The President stayed for an hour and a half afterwards meeting with the people who graduated.

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Kamala Harris Off Limits

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Once Kamala Harris was announced as the VP candidate (actually this happened before such an announcement), a concerned group that included Planned Parenthood sent a letter to the media indicating that critically questioning any woman especially a woman of color who was named as Biden’s running mate was off limits.

The letter was actually a 32-page “guide” that detailed how the media would be allowed to cover Biden’s running mate.  It has been made clear that the group would come after any media outlet that dared to question Harris in any way that they felt was not appropriate.

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Warning Against Socialist Democrats

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It is certainly a contrast in styles.  The Democrats brought on celebrities and politicians to make their case for the Presidency.  The Republicans, for the most part, used ordinary, everyday Americans.

Maximo Alvarez is one of those everyday Americans.  He is a Cuban immigrant whose family fled totalitarianism from both Cuba and Spain. On Monday, Mr. Alvarez spoke directly about candidate Joe Biden.  He detailed the Democrats’ dangerous slide towards socialism and the far left. Mr. Alvarez knows personally how President Trump is fighting to keep the American dream alive. ... 

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Jim Jordan On Air

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Jim Jordan spoke at the first night of the Republican Convention.  Jordan talks about many of the fraudulent roadblocks that the Democrats put in front of President Trump.  Jordan quickly lists some of PDJT’s many accomplishments and then Jordan talks about the man’s humanity.  This is something the media will never publicize.

This video is worth three minutes of your time.

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