Kamala Harris Off Limits

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Once Kamala Harris was announced as the VP candidate (actually this happened before such an announcement), a concerned group that included Planned Parenthood sent a letter to the media indicating that critically questioning any woman especially a woman of color who was named as Biden’s running mate was off limits.

The letter was actually a 32-page “guide” that detailed how the media would be allowed to cover Biden’s running mate.  It has been made clear that the group would come after any media outlet that dared to question Harris in any way that they felt was not appropriate.

With Biden and Harris so far refusing to engage questions from the press, it appears that the Democrats are trying to limit the potential exposure of either candidate to the normal give and take of press briefings.  Why?

In Biden’s case most people know that the Democrats are trying to prevent the public from finding out just how bad his cognitive decline is.  It is less clear why they are shielding Harris.  Perhaps the Democrats do not want the public to discern that Harris is the one really running for President.  That Biden is a Trojan Horse candidate.

More likely they are trying to shield Harris from having to answer questions about her far-left agenda.  This includes equating ICE with the KKK, no border wall and no private healthcare.  Also this would include her support for the Green New Deal and free healthcare for illegals while the rest of America has to pay for healthcare.

The media were not the only recipients of attention from those who would put a shield around Harris.  When items started showing up in social media questioning Harris’ eligibility for President (a legitimate question since her father was never a citizen), Facebook was pressured to remove such posts.

Harris was born in the United States.  However, the Naturalization Act of 1790 defined natural born citizen as someone who was born of parents who were citizens.  There are no other places where the term natural-born citizen is defined. The founders were very concerned about foreign influence in the highest levels of our government.

Harris does not appear to meet this requirement.  Her father was not a citizen, naturalized or otherwise.  He was Jamaican.  BTW Jamaican’s do not consider themselves to be black.  Her mother, a woman from India, did become naturalized.  This does not mean that Harris is not a citizen.  It just raises a legitimate question of her meeting the eligibility requirement for the Presidency.  Apparently discussion of this legitimate question on social media is “misinformation.”  This should not be permitted according to the group that is trying to shield Harris from any and all questions that might cast Harris in a less than favorable light.

This is clearly a campaign to keep the American public from finding out about policy proposals that Americans might find objectionable.  Biden stays in his basement and answers no questions that have not been pre-screened.  The answers are then recorded with as many takes as necessary.  The media is prohibited from asking Harris questions that might shine an unfavorable light on her.

Already media bias in this campaign is palpable.  Now the media would become targets of the cancel culture if they ask questions not within strict guidelines imposed by outside groups.  It would appear that Biden/Harris are the first candidates for the nation’s highest offices who will not be exposed to having to answer tough questions.  This is something that PDJT does almost every day.  Is there a double standard at work here?

Americans need to reject this approach and vote out of office all who would engage in limiting the right of Americans to ask questions of candidates running for office.  Congress and the Presidency are not some private club that is immune from critical investigation.