Category Archives: Election

PDJT As A Vessel

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This interview of Charlie Kirk is an excerpt of a much longer interview that he did.  It is one of the best descriptions of President Trump’s role within our government.  Kirk answers the critics who try to shame Christians into not voting for PDJT because he is not a perfect human being.  Kirk points out that Trump is the people’s President.  Kirk’s analogies about Trump barring the door to protect Americans are spot on about what is happening in this country.

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V-Shaped Recovery Continues

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Another 1.4 million jobs were added back in August as the recovery continues unabated.  The national unemployment rate dropped to 8.4% from 10.2% in July.  Economists were way off once again as they predicted 9.8% for the unemployment rate.  See the BLS report here.

Despite the ongoing challenges posed by Communist Democratic governors who refuse to listen to the science, there is good news for the most heavily impacted sectors of the economy: leisure and hospitality. Well over half of those jobs lost have been recovered. In the past four months 3.6 million jobs have been gained in this sector. This is despite the efforts of Governors Cuomo, Murphy, Whitmer and Newsome to lock people out of work.  Imagine how much further along the recovery would be if these dictators weren’t obstructing the recovery so that Joe Biden can win the election.

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A Land Of Dreams

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Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) hit an absolute home run when he spoke at the RNC.

Scott talked about Opportunity Zones that have brought millions of dollars of PRIVATE investment money into distressed communities.  Scott spoke about school choice, the only real solution to providing a quality education to all children.

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Land of Heroes

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At the RNC Land of Heroes night, the first night of the convention, Tanya Weinreis talked about the American Dream and how PDJT has helped keep that dream alive for her, her family and her employees.  Tanya’s husband is a Marine and a former police officer, certainly a hero in my book.  Tanya is a small business pwner.

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Fraud.  That is the only word that can even come close to describing what the Democrats are trying to do with Joe Biden running for President.  With the strategy of keeping Biden out of sight failing, Biden’s handlers, and I am referring to the literal meaning of handlers, have been forced to get Biden out in public.  A rare campaign appearance on Wednesday resulted in another spectacular failure on Biden’s part.

Biden’s appearance in the “campaign trail” was a setup.  It took place in Wilmington, Delaware not far from Biden’s basement.  Questions were pre-screened and Biden’s handlers decided which reporter to call on.  Talking points were loaded onto Biden’s teleprompter since Biden cannot remember the answers on his own.

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This Ad Needs To Be Seen Over And Over

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Senator Tom Cotton has a new ad out that needs to be played over and over again.  In 30 seconds it highlights all the insanity instigated by the Democrats.  For those who may not be aware, the nation is seeing record gun sales, record first-time gun buyers and a nationwide shortage of ammunition.

Americans are disgusted with violent left-wing mobs destroying people’s life works, threatening people, destroying the heritage of the country and roaming into residential neighborhoods to intimidate people. ... 

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Oregon Governor Caves

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Polling data shows that more and more Americans are getting fed up with the fact that Democratic governors and mayors are doing nothing to stop the violence engulfing our urban centers.  This is translating into declining numbers for Joe Biden in his quest to become the first American President who is not sure what day of the week it is.

The Democrats have utilized the COVID-19 pandemic to hide Biden in his basement.  This has kept him relatively sequestered.  This has reduced the opportunity for Biden’s dementia to be exposed to the American public.  Until last week Biden had made no statement against the mayhem in our cities.

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Voter Fraud

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Voter fraud is a topic that the media has been desperately trying to suppress as the Democrats ramp up their efforts to do just that through mail-in voting.  While PDJT and Republicans warn of widespread manipulation of the absentee voting, many Democrats and their media allies have dismissed such concerns as unfounded.

A top Democratic operative has now come out and exposed these Democratic shenanigans.  Jon Levine of the NY Post has published an article detailing the many ways that this operative practiced his “trade” in the state of New Jersey.

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David Foster has an interesting post about how top officials have been elected in the past.  He talks about the Holy Roman Empire and “Guided Democracy.”

Guided democracy, also called managed democracy, is a democratic government that functions as a de facto autocracy. Such governments are legitimized by elections that are free and fair, but do not change the state’s policies, motives, and goals.

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Biden Sees His Shadow

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Joe Biden left his basement retreat and ventured into Pennsylvania on Monday.  This was billed as a campaign stop and several dozen supporters did show up at the location where Biden appeared.  However, they were not permitted into the building where Biden gave his speech.

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