Category Archives: Election

Free At Last

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Warning:  Satire Ahead

Baltimore is Free at last!

“The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.”

Unbelievable good news!

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So It Begins

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In the first of what is expected to be multiple indictments involved with the attempted coup against the Trump Presidency, Kevin Clinesmith plans to plead guilty to making false statements on an official government document with regard to the final Carter Page FISA renewal.

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COVID Quackery

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The following story is another example of the insanity that is running rampant in NY.  The political powers have become drunk with the power they wield.  They will keep the people in subjugation until the people have had enough.  Hopefully we are getting close to that moment in time.

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Comrades Biden & Harris At Work

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The newly-minted pair heading up the Democratic Party ticket have gone into full communist mode.  On Thursday they made a joint appearance calling for a nationwide mask mandate.

According to Biden,

“Every single American should be wearing a mask when they’re outside for the next three months at a minimum. Every governor should mandate mandatory mask-wearing.”

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Will John Kasich Bridge The Divide?

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It has been making the rounds for some time that John Kasich, a Republican and former governor of Ohio, would be endorsing Biden and making a speech at the DNC convention in Milwaukee.  This is supposed to help Joe Biden show America that he represents all corners of America.  This is especially important to the Democrats since Joe Biden picked far left Kamala Harris as his running mate.  The last I checked Kasich is on the list of people expected to speak.  With the Democrats in such disarray as we have seen, whether this will change or not remains to be seen.  It is unclear who is making the final decisions on convention speakers.

Kasich was approached last month about endorsing Biden and giving a speech.  When he agreed, Kasich’s actions were characterized as “stunning and brave.”  Kasich, a frequent critic of the Trump administration, has said he has “a right to define what it means to be a conservative.”  With this I would agree since the last I checked the Democrats had not yet been successful at obliterating the First Amendment.  Of course, it will be his definition of conservatism.

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COVID-19 Madness    

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The Democrats with the help of their media allies have been successful in perpetrating a hysteria about COVID-19.  Most recently this has resulted in the announcement by the PAC-12 that they are cancelling their conference’s college football season.  Of course, all but two of the schools in the conference are in states ruled by Democratic dictators like California’s Gavin Newsome.  Newsome has gone so far as to say that there will be no return to normal until a vaccine is developed to eradicate the illness.  Apparently his intent is to inflict as much misery on their residents as possible in hopes of defeating PDJT in November.

There will be never be a vaccine that meets Newsome’s requirements so I guess California colleges can forget about ever again having sports.  Right now multiple studies have indicated that as many as 11 strains of the illness are floating around the world.  Mutation of the virus is a given and will continue.  The most one can expect is something like the flu shot that may or may not protect you from the strain that happens to get going in your area.

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Not Wearing A Mask…Be Charged With Murder

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Their communist tendencies continue to surface.  Metro Nashville At-Large Council Member Sharon Hurt said Wednesday during a virtual meeting of the Joint Public Safety and Health Committee that there should be stronger legislation for those not wearing masks and suggested they be charged with murder or attempted murder.

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It’s A Dark Time For Democracy

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It is a dark time for democracy.  Antifa, Black Lives Matter and other Marxist organizations are running rampant around the country looting, burn and committing all manners of violence.  If you disagree with their worldview publicly, they will come after you.  They are encouraged in this by the very politicians who are supposed to represent the people, who are supposed to help provide for a civilized society.  These politicians are giving people “space to destroy.”  Why aren’t they providing for “domestic tranquility?”

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Epic Fails…And A Little Humor

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PDJT held a press conference in Bedminster, NJ with some members of the public present.  Near the end of the briefing, a member of the press pool decides to try to embarrass the President.  The clear intent, as some comments have indicated, was to make it seem like the President does not care about the public.  The reporter complains that the room is not following NJ rules on social distancing.  For those of you who have not seen this yet, enjoy!

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One Man’s Opinion

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The following is from an acquaintance whom I will call Frank.

Let’s look at this man for a moment. He is a 74 year old man working for you and me.  That amazing man is the age of many people’s fathers, grandfathers, and great grandfathers.

President Trump left his massive gold covered mansion where he could have retired happily and play golf all day long. Yet this man put his wealth aside and went to work for free, for $1 a year, for you, for me, for us, and for the United States of America.  While other presidents became rich during and after their presidency, this man lost over 2 Billion dollars of his wealth during these short 4 years of his life. ... 

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