Category Archives: Election

Approval Polls

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Unless one has been hiding under a rock or off exploring some planet in a far off galaxy, one knows that the media coverage of PDJT has been more than 90% negative from the time he was elected President.  During the last several months the media has attempted to up their game by writing and broadcasting panic-porn over the COVID-19 virus infection.  The latest attempt to smear PDJT is to blame PDJT for the rioting across the country that has been encouraged and supported by Democratic mayors and governors.

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Evil is currently on a rampage across America.  Cities are burning and being looted.  Violent crime is skyrocketing.  Politicians are standing and marching with the evildoers.  Because of this, we sometimes forget about the tremendous goodness that exists in this country.  I had the privilege of hearing this young man sing in 2011 when he was 10 years old.  Christopher Duffley is a great example of the goodness that exists everywhere in the world.  Listen to his story and enjoy the song.

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Portland Is A Breeding Ground

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Portland has been a breeding ground for Antifa and other violent groups for many years. As noted yesterday, it is now a live experiment to see just how far Antifa, BLM and others can go before the local government will step in to stop them.  It seems that, so far, there is little that the anarchists can do that will prompt the Marxist mayor to say enough. And forget about the bought-and-paid-for Soros Governor.

If you speak out against these groups, there is a good chance you will receive a beating.  Just ask Andy Ngo.  According to Antifa, et al, speech that they disagree with is violence against them.  This allows them the “right” to respond with physical violence.

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McCarthyism Revisited

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McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence.  The term refers to U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy (R-Wisconsin) and has its origins in the period in the United States known as the Second Red Scare, lasting from the late 1940s through the 1950s.  It was characterized by heightened political repression and a campaign of spreading fear of communist influence on American institutions and of espionage by Soviet agents.

The term has since taken on a broader meaning. In the early 21st century, the term is used more generally to describe reckless, unsubstantiated accusations, and demagogic attacks on the character or patriotism of those who have different political views.  In 2020 it can readily be applied to the tactics of the left in its use of “Cancel Culture.”

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Corruption In Illinois

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Corruption seems to be endemic to Illinois.  On Friday, according to the Chicago Sun Times, the US Attorney’s office of John Lausch in Illinois has filed a criminal complaint in federal court against ComEd, a utility company.  ComEd will pay a $200 million fine to end a years-long bribery investigation.

Under the agreement, the government will defer prosecution on the charge for three years and then seek to dismiss it if ComEd abides by certain conditions, including continuing to cooperate with ongoing investigations of individuals or other entities related to the conduct described in the bribery charge.  A full statement of facts of the case can be found here.

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TWA 800…A Masterpiece of Fiction

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Twenty four years ago today, on the evening of July 17, 1996, flight TWA 800 crashed off the south shore of Long Island killing all 230 people on board.  The crash was witnessed by hundreds of people enjoying a warm summer evening outdoors.  In all, the FBI interviewed more than 700 witnesses.  These agents included members of the FBI’s missile team.  They determined that well more than 100 witnesses were considered excellent.  The evidence for a missile strike was considered to be overwhelming.

Jack Cashill has written two authoritative books on this subject.  The books can be found here and here.  Today Cashill has published another article over at American Thinker that summarizes the info about the crash.

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