Category Archives: Election

Hydroxychloroquine Law Suit

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You won’t read about this in the NYTimes.  On June 2nd, the Association of American Physicians & Surgeons (AAPS) filed a lawsuit, AAPS v. FDA, against the Food and Drug Administration to end its arbitrary interference with the use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)

HCQ has been approved as safe by the FDA for 65 years, and the CDC states on its website that “CDC has no limits on the use of hydroxychloroquine for the prevention of malaria.”  It has been used in more than 400 FDA-approved clinical trials.

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The Best of The Democrats

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On Thursday, Joe Biden came out of his basement to hold a roundtable discussion regarding re-opening the economy.  The Democrats have been trying to keep Biden away from the public.  Certainly part of the reason are moments like these.

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The Best of The Democrats

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The video in the tweet below shows Joe Biden desperately trying to answer a question on The View.  Biden is unable to do so despite prompting by the co-hosts.  The hosts appeared to concerned but probably do not fully grasp the depths of the problems that Biden has.

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A Huge Bounce!

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The May jobs report was expected to show job losses of 7 to 8 million.  This was the analysis of the financial experts and Nobel laureate economists.  Imagine their surprise when the Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) announced that 2.5 million jobs have been ADDED to the economy.  Never in the history of the country have we seen a turnaround like this from one month to the next.

In effect, there are 10 million more jobs at the end of May than the experts predicted.  Never have the experts been off by anywhere near this much.  Not only were they not in the same ballpark, they weren’t even on the same planet.  Perhaps these experts were meth experts not math experts.

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Percentages of transgenders in the US population vary from 0.3% to 0.6%.  One of the lesser misadventures of the Obama administration was the forcing of schools to accept all kinds of regulations concerning transgenders.  The privacy rights of 99+% of the school age population were trampled to “protect” the rights of transgenders.  Schools were forced to allow biological males to use single sex facilities devoted to girls such as bathrooms, locker rooms and showers.  This was often done secretly without the parents’ knowledge.

A lesser known aspect of these policies was the forcing of girls’ sports to accept males as competitors.  Since the advent of Title IX in 1972 — a federal law that expanded athletic and educational opportunities for women — millions of girls and women have benefited from their own teams and chances for growth.  As anyone with an ounce of common sense understands, once puberty hits, female athletes cannot compete with male athletes.  Allowing biological males into female sports destroys the opportunities for girls to excel.

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Twitter Censors The President

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On Tuesday the Twitter overlords began censoring the President.   Twitter has directly interposed itself in the tweets and speech of the President of the United States.  Twitter is using two virulently anti-Trump organizations (CNN, WaPo) to censor and insert propaganda into the President’s tweets.  This is not responding to his tweets but rather direct interference with PDJT’s freedom of speech.

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California is known for its earthquakes.  The possibility of the proverbial “Big One” is talked about frequently.  And at some time in the future, the likelihood exists that the Big One will hit somewhere in California.

An earthquake happened on Tuesday.  However, it was not the earth moving.  It was a political earthquake.  In a special election in House district CA25, a Republican appears to have defeated a Democrat.  This is a district that went by 9 points to the Democrat in 2018 and was won by Hillary Clinton in 2016.  At this point the Republican is winning by 12 points (roughly 17,000 votes).  Of course, we have to wait until the voter fraud activities (aka ballot harvesting) by the Democrats are over.  Apparently they have until Friday to get ballots in to be counted.  That is just crazy.

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False Choices

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Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) said it perfectly yesterday: “We are too often presented with a false dichotomy: either saving our economy or saving lives.”

Scott’s statement occurred during the Senate hearing with Dr. Fauci, head of the NIH.  The Senator was exactly right.  Those who believe that no preventative measures should have been taken are as ignorant as those who believe that re-opening the economy poses a mortal risk to everyone.

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