Category Archives: Election

America The Beautiful

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With all that is going on in our country we seem to forget how great our country is. God has blessed our country like no other in history, yet so much is taken for granted. Some even preach ambivalence or hate while others seek to destroy our freedom. Never give up, never give them an open door, never call them friend for they are not that. They are the wolves who seek to destroy our freedom, our faith, and our way of life. They seek to bring tyranny upon us. Give these evil doers no quarter, fight for your freedom and grow in faith. Stand fast.

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Unemployment Craters

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Great MAGAnomic payroll numbers were released the other day.  ADP/Moody’s private payroll analysis shows 227,000 jobs gained in October, and September’s revised actual payroll numbers increased from 218k to 230k.

It is interesting to note that during this economic expansion under PDJT payroll numbers are consistently underreported.  Almost every month numbers are revised upward from the previous month.  In some cases the numbers were more than 40% off.  This contrasts strongly with the Obama administration where numbers were often revised downward.

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Consumer Confidence Soars

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As reported by the Conference Board the Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) jumped up 2.6 points to 137.9 in October. That is the highest level in 18 years.  The Conference Board noted:

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Can The Dems Be Civil?

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On Saturday, Robert Bowers killed eleven people and wounded at least 6 others in a Pittsburgh synagogue during morning services. Based on his social media, Bowers appears to someone who hates Jews and President Trump as well.  It will be interesting to watch how the MSM plays this one.  I feel certain that they will find a way to blame the President.

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Should Blacks Vote Republican?

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To answer this question one has to determine if PDJT is “Making America Great Again.”  As most people know that’s the slogan on PDJT’s red ball cap. I believe that PDJT is not only making America great for all people but he is also making us proud of our country again.

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Is Kanye West Demented?

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Is Kanye West demented?  Is he in need of psychiatric help?  Apparently, because of his recent trip to the White House and his embracing of PDJT and his agenda, he must be.  On CNN, Don Lemon said, “Kanye, back away from the cameras. Go get some help. And then come back and make your case.”  The idea that a black man would find goodness in PDJT is so unsettling to the Democrats and their media allies that they once again expose their true selves.

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Over the weekend America was treated to another example of the Nazi-like tactics employed by the Democrats and their supporters against Republican lawmakers.  Several supporters (paid?) of the Democrats decided to harass Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell in a restaurant in Louisville.  They banged on his table with their fists, threw food out into the street and screamed obscenities at the Republican leader and his wife.

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Kavanaugh Exoneration

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Early voting has begun in some states for the 2018 election cycle.  As we do so, it is important to remember the recent activities of the Democratic Party.  In particular, everyone needs to remember what the Democrats and their allies in the media did to people like Brett Kavanaugh, Mark Judge, Leland Keyser, etc.

Jack Cashill has posted a report over at American Thinker regarding the whole sordid Kavanaugh affair.  See it here.

Jack is willing to grant that there may be some truth to Christine Blasey Ford’s story.  However, he lays out in detail both the material and non-material deceptions in her testimony and her letter.  He also shows how such evidence that exists exonerates Brett Kavanaugh. ... 

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