Category Archives: Heros

Odds & Ends

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The Hill reports:

Rep. Susan Wild (Pa.), the top Democrat on the House Ethics Committee, was absent from the panel’s meeting last week after being traced as the source of leaks to the press regarding the investigation into former Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), sources told The Hill.

It remains unclear if Wild voluntarily skipped the Thursday gathering or was asked not to attend, what information she leaked and to whom, and how the panel tracked her back as being the leaker. Two sources said Wild ultimately acknowledged to the panel that she had leaked information. ... 

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Never Forget

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Twenty-two years ago, America suffered the worst terrorist attack on our soil in our history. Thousands of Americans, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers and children were murdered by Islamic terrorists when they flew passenger jets into buildings.

People like Barack Obama would probably criticize my saying Islamic terrorists.  But that is who they were.  And the truth has no agenda.

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Thoughts that run through the empty caverns of my mind.

Mitch McConnell has been absent for an extended time from the Washington scene.  Everyone has heard how he fell at a dinner and experienced a concussion.  Hospitalization followed with a stint at a rehab facility.  Was all of this an accident?  Or was McConnell taken off the chess board because he wouldn’t play nice?

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Highlights & Lowlights

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The World Economic Forum is causing companies to consider abandoning European manufacturing sites because it has become too expensive to manufacture goods there.  Essentially, western governments following the insane “Build Back Better” climate change agenda are making it very expensive to conduct operations in Europe.  This is due to the escalating cost of energy.

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American Exceptionalism

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Barack Obama was an adversary of American exceptionalism.  Anti-exceptionalism clearly shaped his “leading from behind” profile abroad. Once in office his “hope and change” campaign slogan came to look like the “hope” of overcoming American exceptionalism and “change” away from it.

So, in Mr. Obama, America gained a president with ambivalence, if not some antipathy, toward the singular greatness of the nation he had been elected to lead.

In doing this, Obama ignored a singular example of American exceptionalism that occurred just a few short years before he entered the Oval Office as President.

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Those of us who pay attention to the political and economic scenes in this world are often appalled at what we see.  In some respects we can become like some police officers who see too much evil and not enough good.  It is always refreshing to find a story about the good in people particularly our younger people.

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