Category Archives: Heros

The greatest moment in the history of sportsmanship

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Every once in a while, we need to be reminded that there is good in the world.  Sometimes we can lose sight of that with all the evil manifesting itself among our political elites.  This happened in the Southwest Regional championship in the Little League World Series Tournament.

It happened in the very first inning of the Southwest Region championship. Two boys who when they woke up this morning only cared about one thing… get to Williamsport. Suddenly everything changed, because in real life things happen just like that … things change in a heartbeat. ... 

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Will Censorship End?

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The potential takeover of Twitter by Elon Musk continues to create meltdowns all over leftist world.  The very idea that people could speak freely about political, social, economic and other issues would potentially cripple the Left’s ability to control the narratives that the public gets to hear.  Listening to people on the Left, one would think that the world was about to end, that liberty and freedom are now expired products of a bygone era.

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Big Media constantly bombards us with stories about how awful our law enforcement personnel are in this country.  This is a different story.  Where is Big Media on this story?

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The images coming out of NYC on Friday were simply incredible.

I lived in the NYC metro area for many years.  There have been many deaths of police officers in the NYPD over the years. There was always a good turnout of officers paying their last respects when an officer was killed in the line of duty.  In many cases, officers from neighboring communities in the NYC metro area would show up as well.  However, I have never seen a turnout like what took place on Friday.

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A True Patriot

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After eighteen years of active duty service in the US Army, Lieutenant Colonel Paul Hague has resigned.

He’s walking away from all he’s worked for and believed in since he was an ROTC kid at UGA.

He’s walking away from his retirement

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Some heroes are heroes over and over again.  God has planted an indomitable spirit in all of us.  It just takes someone to ignite it.  Blake Leeper gets my vote for heroism.

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Every once in a while, it is good to step back and listen to the story of a genuine hero.  This is especially true with all the evil that is emanating from world capitals these days. True heroes do exist.  9-11 had its share.  A bunch were on Flight 93.  This Saturday, the 20th anniversary of 9-11,  gives us the story of a genuine American hero.  There are many others like him.

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A Man Named Harold

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Harold was a bright child. He grew up in America. He went to school and had a bright future ahead of him. Harold was full of life but his life was cut short in a violent moment.

While few people had ever heard of Harold before his death, many did afterward.  And in death, something very shocking happened. What was so shocking, especially when it is compared to the death of someone else within a few days of Harold’s death?

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A Retired Marine Colonel’s Letter To The NFL

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The controversy over our national anthem continues to rage.  The NFL has now decided that America is really two countries.  Therefore, we need to have two anthems played before NFL games.  This is mind-blowingly stupid.  There is one national anthem and it is the Star-Spangled Banner.

Roger Goodell, the NFL commissioner, would not allow Tim Tebow to kneel in prayer.  Goodell would not allow the Dallas Cowboys to put a tribute to slain police officers on their helmets.  He would not allow 9-11 tributes.  Now he allows players to “honor” a sex offender and career criminal.  Political expressions that serve to divide the country are now allowed.

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