Will Censorship End?

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The potential takeover of Twitter by Elon Musk continues to create meltdowns all over leftist world.  The very idea that people could speak freely about political, social, economic and other issues would potentially cripple the Left’s ability to control the narratives that the public gets to hear.  Listening to people on the Left, one would think that the world was about to end, that liberty and freedom are now expired products of a bygone era.

Sundance over at The Last Refuge  had a blog post on Tuesday that addressed much of this.  Sundance started with a quote from NYTimes writer Shira Ovide:

…”The 2016 U.S. presidential election and the Brexit vote that same year gave Silicon Valley executives, U.S. elected officials and the public a peek into what can go wrong when social media companies opt not to wade too deeply into what people say on their sites.”… (link)

Let that sink in.  This writer for a major news media outlet is saying that people opting for more freedom and liberty is wrong.

Sundance goes on:

In essence, that would be the quiet part said out loud and matter-of-factly.  If people are allowed freedom of communication, they end up doing things without our approval.

That paragraph perfectly encapsulates the reason why so many media and leftists are having mental breakdowns.

Elon Musk has the audacity to purchase one, just one, social media platform with the intent to allow Americans the freedom to speak to each other freely, without limit and control.  That is the expressed risk the Democrats, media and leftists in every institution are enraged about.

Without limit and control.  This is what the lockdowns were about during COVID.  It was never about the public health.  Those pulling the levers at the highest levels of our government needed to control and limit the ability of people to talk uncensored.  They closed restaurants and bars, churches and parks.  These were places that people might speak candidly about the issues of the day.  That had to be limited as much as possible.

If it wasn’t, people might discover that effective treatments for COVID were plentiful.  They needed the lockdowns so they could steal the election.  It also gave the people behind the curtain the opportunity to see just how much liberty they could take away before people would pushback.

Sundance went on:

As Fox News highlighted, “several Twitter employees expressed serious concerns and fear over Musk’s $44 billion acquisition of the company including a prominent worry that Musk would undo censorship mechanisms they had worked to implement over the years.”  It’s all about control.  We are living in a cyber version of Poland circa early 1980’s.

The solidarity movement results in millions of Polish citizens taking to the streets, looking around and suddenly realizing there are more of us than them.  That is what the collective left is now desperate to avoid, and they will do anything to stop people from seeing the scope of the control effort they have deployed in order to carry out their agenda.  Those are the stakes at play.

Sundance has talked many times about seeing the marionette strings.  Once seen, they cannot be unseen.  Pushing propaganda works when it is the predominant words people hear. When alternate views and viewpoints are able to bury the propaganda with facts and clear observations, it shows the propaganda for what it is. Once the blindfolds come off, they will not go back on.   There will be hell to pay.

It never was “unsafe” (a favorite ploy of the left) to do one’s own thinking.  Healthy debate leads to real progress.  That is what created the greatest experiment in human governance, the United States of America.

Some people are beginning to celebrate victory over those who destroyed life and liberty in this country.  However, the war is far from over.  This may be a victory.  I am still reserving judgement to see just what actually happens.  Musk must decapitate the leadership at Twitter before the blue bird can actually fly free.

However, free speech on Twitter will not reduce the size of government, restore liberty, re-invigorate constitutional or common law unless we engage in a concerted effort to make this happen.

Hopefully we will see better choices in the political arena.  We must elect representatives who will emphasize liberty, curb future spending and encourage the economic and family life that made America prosperous and a beacon to the world. As President Trump showed us, we can forge peaceful relations with the world. Under the current administration we have returned instead to constantly inciting war and interfering in the politics of other countries. It will take years and constant vigilance, but changing this mindset can be done and it should be done.

Duke Buckner is a Republican in South Carolina who is challenging Jim Clyburn, current majority whip for the Democrats in the House of Representatives.  Clyburn, who has been in the House for 30 years, is a prime example of the type of people in Washington who need to be replaced.  As much as Biden is responsible for the mess the country is in, so is Jim Clyburn who has been in the elite power structure of the Democratic Party for a long time.  Clyburn certainly appears to be someone who is jerking Biden’s strings.

Buckner ended a recent speech by exhorting people to step up and do what is needed for this country.  He quoted the words of Todd Beamer of Flight 93 who called out to his fellow passengers, “Let’s roll!”  It is truly time to do so if we want a country that is free.  Hopefully Todd Beamer’s message as echoed by Duke Buckner will resonate with people across the country and lead to a surge in politicians who actually represent the people.

1 thought on “Will Censorship End?

  1. Duke Buckner

    Thank you so much for the article! It was beautifully written. Let’s Roll!

    Duke Buckner
    Candidate for U.S. Congress
    S.C. 6th Congressional District

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