Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump



Mark Oshinskie has written an insightful article on why vaccines have become such an article of faith among Americans.  I will be excerpting freely from his post.  You can read the entire post below.


Even Stevie Wonder could see it: When you believe in things you don’t understand, you suffer; superstition ain’t the way. 

Covid has become a religion. American Vaxxers, more accurately labeled “injectors,” believe in something they don’t understand. Injectors don’t understand that the injections don’t resemble conventional, prior vaxxes. They can’t explain the mRNA mechanism by which the injections are said to work. They’re also unaware that the number of near-term post-injection deaths after 9 months of Covid injections exceeds the death tolls from all vaccinations combined over the past 30 years. They know nothing about the long term safety of the injections, nor of data revealing breakthrough deaths in the US and abroad. Nor do they know, after 19 months of media fearmongering, that the vast majority of people are at functionally zero risk from Covid. They watch too much TV. 

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Stop This NOW!

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Karl Denninger has written extensively on the COVID-19 scam.  On Thursday Denninger took a dive into the adverse event (AE) of myocarditis occurring following injection of either dose of the so-called vaccines.  The numbers are scary.  In any previous drug trial in this country, the trial would have been stopped when such numbers showed up.

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CRT And Other Domestic Terrorism Threats

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It is hard to believe America could have a worse AG than Eric Holder.  However, on Wednesday Tucker Carlson discussed the directive by AG Merrick Garland for the FBI in conjunction with the National Security Division to investigate any parent who opposes the teaching of Critical Race Theory and the masking of kids in school.  There will undoubtedly be many such discussions across the country in the coming months.  Few will be done as masterfully as Carlson’s monologue.

Take 16 minutes out of your day and listen to what Carlson has to say.

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Unaware that he was on hot mic — Israeli Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz admitted that vaccine passports were primarily about coercing skeptical people to get the vaccine.

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Maricopa County in Arizona has entered the news cycle again.  Arizona resident Liz Harris has conducted a canvass of the voters in Maricopa County.  This canvass is separate from the forensic audit being conducted under the authority of the Arizona Senate.  This is an interesting walk in the deep weeds.  And the results are demonstrating massive fraud.  Again, remember this is not the results of the forensic audit.  That is still to come.

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Items That Cause One to Go…Hmm

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According to the administration some 6,000 to 7,000 Americans were rescued/evacuated  due to the “extraordinary efforts” of our State Department and our military.  Yet, as far as I know, there are no stories in the media about this. Why?

Where are the stories about barely escaping the clutches of the Taliban?  Where are the joyful reunions in airports where relieved relatives greet their family members?  These are the kind of human interest stories that the media love to add at the end of their telecasts. ... 

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Weather Warning

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NHC Report – At 1000 AM CDT (1500 UTC), the eye of Hurricane Ida was located by reconnaissance aircraft and NWS Doppler radar near latitude 28.8 North, longitude 90.0 West. Ida is moving toward the northwest near 13 mph (20 km/h). A slightly slower northwestward motion should continue through this evening. A turn toward the north should occur by Monday morning, followed by a slightly faster northeastward motion by Monday night and Tuesday. On the forecast track, the center of Ida will make landfall along the coast of southeastern Louisiana within the hurricane warning area within the next few hours.

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