Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

Totally Dysfunctional

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What in the world is going on with our government?  The absolute mess of Afghanistan continues to get worse.  The government was not talking to its allies when it unilaterally decided to withdraw our troops.  It now is obvious that the individual parts of the American government are not talking to each other either.

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Incompetence, Vaccines and Elections

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“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.”
– Barack Obama

In another example of world class incompetence, the Biden regime canceled a Trump program put in place to oversee the evacuation of US citizens stationed overseas in case of an emergency.   The Biden regime did this in June.  Why?

We all know why.  The Trump administration put it in place.  Therefore, it had to go when the crooks who stole a presidential election moved in.

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Birds of a Feather

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Are Joe Biden and Andrew Cuomo birds of a feather?  They both seem to have a proclivity for engaging in behavior with women that is less than honorable.  They both used the same excuse that “boundaries have changed on acceptable behavior.”

Andrew Cuomo unleashed a genocide on the nursing homes in NY.  Literally thousands of people in nursing homes died as a direct result of his actions as governor.  Now Biden seems intent on doing the same thing on a national level.

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Odds & Ends

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Oregon Governor Kate Brown has cancelled the proficiency standards for reading, writing and math from high school graduation requirements in Oregon.

The governor’s office says “suspending the reading, writing and math proficiency requirements … will benefit “Oregon’s Black, Latino, Latina, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, Pacific Islander, Tribal, and students of color.”

In essence, the students of color are not smart enough to learn reading, writing or math – so they shouldn’t be expected to read, write or understand mathematics.

How racist can one person be?  This is as bad as saying that people of color are too stupid to get/keep an ID so that they can vote.

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First Amendment Eviscerated

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I have been saying for years that Christians have been under attack around the world.  Their right to worship as Christians have been systematically denied everywhere.  Christians have become second class citizens in many countries.  One would like to think that this is not true in America.  However, events during the Obama administration and during the current one demonstrate a complete disdain for Christianity and, more importantly the right of individuals to freely exercise religion.

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