Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

Miscellaneous Items

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The avatar in the President’s office removed the terrorist designation from the Houthis (primarily in Yemen).  This designation had been put in place during the Trump administration.

Last week the Houthis bombed an airport in Saudi Arabia.  The drone strike targeted Abha International Airport in Saudi Arabia, an airport just 75 miles from the Yemeni border that is frequently targeted by the militant rebel group. The attack set one civilian plane on fire.

My memory fails me but isn’t there a word that is used for organizations that target civilian populations with violence? ... 

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President’s Day

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On Monday crowds of supporters gathered on the road to Mar-a-Lago to cheer and celebrate President Donald Trump.  This was a huge show of love for PDJT today as he returned to Mar-a-Lago after a day on the links.

This is another one of those “this doesn’t happen” thing. Remember during the campaign when a TRUMP sign ala the Hollywood sign appeared in the hills around LA. And tens of thousands of people showed up for rally after rally, the crowds increasing as time went on. Toward the end 40k, 50k and 60k people were showing up.

Then there were the spontaneous gatherings of large numbers of Trump supporters in unlikely places like Beverly Hills. And mega Trump parades of all types, all over the country – a hundred miles of cars, hundreds of boats and bikers, long-haul truckers, golf carts, and an Amish horse and buggy parade, for Pete’s sake. This was all real.  We saw it day after day, momentum and enthusiasm off the charts.

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The Big Racket

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The Biden administration is considering curtailing the ability for citizens to travel freely but has effectively hung out an “Open Borders” sign for illegals to come into the country.  That would mean the border would once again be overrun by drugs, sex traffickers and criminals.  Is this just the usual hypocrisy from the Left?  Or is there something more sinister going on?

ARIZONA […]  In recent days, more than 1,000 people who had been detained after crossing into the U.S. have been released into the country in a reversal of the Trump administration’s near-shutdown of the border. Many more people are gathering on the Mexican side, setting up a test of America’s ability and willingness to admit migrants during a pandemic.

On Thursday in Mexicali, across from Calexico, Calif., migrants could be seen trying to scale a border fence. A migrant camp in Matamoros, Mexico, just across a bridge from Texas, has grown to 1,000 people over the past few weeks.

There is something more sinister going on.  The best title for it might be “The Big Racket.”

Sundance over at CTH has written on this subject multiple times over the years.  I will be quoting liberally from his posts.

Politicians on both sides of the aisle play political games with the issue of illegal immigration. As Sundance has noted:

There is no greater disconnect from ordinary Americans on any singular issue than the policy positions of Democrats and Republicans in Washington DC surrounding illegal immigration. President Donald Trump was confronting their unified interests.

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COVID-19 To End 1st Amendment

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I would never say that COVID-19 is a hoax.  There is a COVID-19 virus.  Viruses have been around as long as the human race has been around, probably longer.  COVID is not more dangerous than all other flu-like viruses that impact the respiratory system. Do people die who contract COVID?  Yes, they do just as people do who contract the flu.  However, COVID-19 is very manageable and does NOT carry a higher fatality rate.

Several common drugs (hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, to name two) are effective in managing the illness despite the so-called experts in this country railing against them last year.  The mortality rates in countries that advocated their use show this to be true.

So why is COVID-19 being hyped as such a dangerous threat?  The reality of the danger from COVID is far lower than the level of the hype about it.

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By What Lawful Authority

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As I mentioned yesterday, the current situation with the faux impeachment has historical analogies.  Of particular note is the trial of King Charles I in England in the 17th Century by radical members of Parliament.  Oliver Cromwell was a prominent leader of Parliament who was directly engaged in the insurrection that defeated King Charles.  And it was an insurrection.

While this is a long story involving multiple years of civil war in England, in the end the dispute was about powers that Parliament had versus the powers of the King.

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The Clown Show

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Tuesday is the beginning of the Washington elites’ third bite at the apple of impeachment.  Yes, that’s right.  This is the third attempt to remove PDJT from office via the impeachment route.  What’s that you say?  PDJT is no longer in office so how can they impeach him?  In the circus that is Washington, anything is possible.  When you have a Speaker of the House who has an all-consuming hatred of PDJT, all it takes is a little pixie dust, a healthy dose of insanity and a new Army of the Potomac to protect you from everyday Americans. ... 

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Emoluments Case Dismissed

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A far-left lawfare group had a big loss Monday as the Supreme Court dismissed their ridiculous lawsuit against President Trump and the Trump International Hotel.  The case revolved around the Emoluments clause of the Constitution.  The group is known as “Citizens for Responsible Ethics in Washington” (CREW).  What a ridiculous misnomer if there ever was one.  This is another example of the left dreaming up a name that completely hides the real purpose of the group, that is, to attack conservative lawmakers.

One spokesperson involved in supporting the case noted,

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China Joe’s inauguration speech on Wednesday was so boring that former President Bill Clinton took a nap during it.  As one wag noted, “it was the first time in forty years that Bill actually slept next to Hillary.

Just how senile is Joe Biden?  China Joe claimed that during the Trump administration, the federal government failed to act “with urgency” to combat COVID.  This seems to ignore Operation Warp Speed that produced two viable vaccines in nine months’ time, a record.  It also ignores the trillions of stimulus to combat the pandemic.

Trying to continue this line of nonsense, CNN reported that sources within the Biden administration said they inherited no vaccine distribution plan from the previous White House.

“There is nothing for us to rework. We are going to have to build everything from scratch,” one source reportedly told CNN’s MJ Lee.

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Rush Limbaugh on Evil

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While China Joe was sworn in as America’s 46th president on Wednesday, talk-radio star Rush Limbaugh said he believes the Democrats are fully aware the 2020 presidential election was illegitimate.  Of course, close to half the registered voters in the country believe that massive fraud took place.  But the main stream media still wants us to believe that there is “no evidence of fraud.”

Rush was careful in his choice of words as he opened his monologue.  I suppose he doesn’t want some idiot filing a defamation suit over the fraud that took place. ... 

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