Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

Schiff Unnerved

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House Democrat Adam Schiff seems to be getting unnerved over how the DOJ is conducting their investigations.  Schiff has a “dread” over serious abuse of federal law enforcement against those who have committed criminal offenses.  Perhaps, Schiff is looking over his shoulder at potential criminal indictments?

Schiff went on Talking Feds, a podcast, and talked about cases from the Russia investigation as examples of serious abuse by the DOJ headed up by Bill Barr.  These included Roger Stone and former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

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Influencing Elections

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Many people have become quite jaded about politicians keeping the promises they made while campaigning for office.  There have been so many instances of politicians walking away from campaign promises as soon as election day is over.  One might say that such politicians were lying to the public.  And unfortunately, it is a disease that affects politicians on both sides of the aisle.

However jaded one might be, this statement by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez raises eyebrows across the political spectrum.

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What Did Barr Say?

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On July 5th, AG Bill Barr did an interview with Marie Bartiromo.  In it, Barr began by noting that PDJT was targeted by various entities, both within and outside the government, to remove him from office.  This is a stunning admission by the AG.  The interaction starts at the 0:42 mark of the video.

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Biden Vows To Crush Trump Economy

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“Make America Pay Again.”

It is not an official campaign slogan for the Biden campaign but it should be.  Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, recently told campaign donors that, if elected, he plans to roll back most of PDJT’s tax cuts.  Biden said,

“I’m going to get rid of the bulk of Trump’s $2 trillion tax cut.  A lot of you may not like that, but I’m going to close loopholes like capital gains and stepped-up basis.”

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Facebook Admits Biased Censorship

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In an undercover video by Project Veritas, a Facebook moderator acknowledged that the social media giant’s hostility to President Trump and other conservatives influences its decisions regarding censoring content.  And, yes, despite claims to the contrary by Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook does censor content that could possibly influence an election.

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Biden Campaign Nixes Cognitive Test

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Dr. Ronny Jackson, who was the White House doctor for both Barack Obama and President Trump, expressed his concerns about Joe Biden.  In an interview on the Kyle Olson Show, Dr. Jackson noted,

“I’m not comfortable with him being my president.  I think he’s got some cognitive issues.”

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Mount Rushmore

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This is a bit delayed since I had not reviewed the President’s speech until Monday.  Of course, I had seen some of the headlines.  The NYTimes with its “dark and divisive” interpretation.  I would ask their writer, “Did you actually read the speech or are you regurgitating a story from PDJT’s inauguration speech?”  And you got that one wrong as well.

Clearly today, when you read a NYTimes story, you are drawn into the dark and twisted minds of troubled TDS-infected individuals.  But the general malaise that affects the NYTimes started well before PDJT descended the escalator at Trump Towers.  It was back in 1996 when the NYTimes covered up the shooting down of TWA 800 that the malaise became evident.

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The President Was Right…Again!

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Once again the President has been shown to be right.  A new study conducted by the Henry Ford Health System found that those COVID-19 patients given hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in a hospital setting were far less likely to die.  The study covered 2,541 hospitalized patients.

CNN reported the “surprising” results.  Dr. Marcus Zervos, division head of infectious disease for Henry Ford Health System, said,

“What we think was important in ours … is that patients were treated early. For hydroxychloroquine to have a benefit, it needs to begin before the patients begin to suffer some of the severe immune reactions that patients can have with Covid.”

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