Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump


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The month of May saw record-setting job gains.  The May jobs report was expected to show job losses of 7 to 8 million.  This was the analysis of the financial experts and Nobel laureate economists.  Instead 2.5 million jobs were ADDED to the economy.  Never in the history of the country have we seen a turnaround like this from one month to the next.  The financial experts got the sign wrong!

More winning.  The June jobs report is now available.  The “experts” had predicted a gain of around 2.5 million jobs. However, the “experts” were way off again.  June saw a growth of 4.8 million jobs, shattering the record set in May.  In addition, the May numbers were revised upward by nearly 200,000 jobs.

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120 Million Dead From COVID In US

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At a campaign stop in Pennsylvania, Joe Biden said 120 million people had died from Covid-19 in this country.  This would be more than one-third the population of the country.

“People don’t have a job, people don’t know where to go, they don’t know what to do.  Now we have over 120 million dead from COVID.”

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Flynn Case Manipulated At Highest Levels

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Brett Tolman, former US Attorney for the District of Utah, was interviewed regarding the recent revelations from the unsealed Peter Strzok notes.  It is his opinion that the activities with regards to Flynn were designed to keep PDJT from taking office.  When they failed at that, they then utilized those activities to try to oust the President from office.  In other words the activities were designed to overthrow the constitutionally elected government of the United States.

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Curiouser and Curiouser

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With the DC Circuit Court issuing a decision on the writ of mandamus, the Flynn case is back in the news again.  The court has ordered Judge Sullivan to dismiss the case.  As I have said previously, I would like to see Michael Flynn off the hook so to speak.  However, the longer the case hangs on, the more corruption that is being exposed.

There has been another interesting development in the Flynn case.  On Tuesday the DOJ provided more exculpatory evidence to the Flynn defense team.  This led to a filing that includes hand-written notes taken by FBI agent Peter Strzok around key dates in early January 2017.  Strzok is a former Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI.  Strzok is also rumored to be CIA.

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Pelosi Spreads Dangerous Mis-information

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On Wednesday Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) went on Twitter and claimed that PDJT is urging people to “inject Lysol and drink bleach.”  This claim came in response to the Trump administration efforts in court on Obamacare.

Where are Twitter’s fact-checkers?  Why wasn’t this tweet red-flagged as dangerous to the public?  It couldn’t be that Twitter is biased against Trump and Republicans, could it?  If Twitter does not flag this while flagging conservative content, how can they be considered an open platform?  Censoring some entries while permitting others should make them a publisher with the attendant liabilities. ... 

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The Next Impeachment

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With potential indictments against high-ranking members of the Obama administration looming, the Democrats appear to be desperate to launch their next impeachment foray.  Just as they did with the killing of unborn children, the Democrats appear to be trying to transform impeachment from rare occurrence to one that is commonplace.

The Democrats cannot have John Durham’s absolutely devastating indictments arrive without having some kind of smokescreen to divert the public’s attention.  It appears that they are laying the groundwork for an impeachment of AG Bill Barr.

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Trade Is Back In The News

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U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer testified before the House Ways and Means committee and before the Senate Finance Committee on Wednesday.  USTR Lighthizer outlined that the administration plans to continue to demand trade reciprocity.  This is in keeping with PDJT’s long stated policy of equality in trade relations.  Some have characterized this as a zero-zero-zero goal.  That is, PDJT believes there should be zero tariffs, zero barriers and zero subsidies.

PDJT believes in the American worker.  PDJT believes that American workers can compete with workers anywhere in the world if the playing field is level.  To level the playing field has been the goal of his administration since day one

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