Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

Opening/Closing The Flynn Case

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A friend of mine has said many times that the lawyers will figure out a “color of authority” defense to get these creeps off who framed General Flynn.  I am hopeful John Durham is smart enough to navigate around those landmines.

There is an excellent piece by Mark Wauck over at MIH that delves into the machinations that elite FBI employees engaged in to set up and frame General Flynn.  I will attempt to summarize what he has posted.  It is blood boiling type of stuff.

At some point during 2016 (no later than August 2016) the Washington Field Office (WFO) initiated an investigation into General Flynn.  This was done under FARA, that is, the Foreign Agent Registration Act.  As per Mark Wauck, the essentials of the act are pretty straightforward. ... 

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Democratic Racism Revealed…Again

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About ten days ago, PDJT signed an executive order which temporarily halted immigration into the United States.  This was done as an additional control for COVID-19 infection as well as protecting American jobs during this unprecedented crisis.

As expected, the left went into a frenzy over this.  However, most Americans agreed with the President that we need to protect jobs for Americans.

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The General Flynn case has often been glacial in its progress in court.  There have been long periods where there has been little or no movement.  However, now it is like a spring thaw.  Things are beginning to move very quickly.

Webster’s defines predatory as “of, relating to, or practicing plunder, pillage, or rapine” and “inclined or intended to injure or exploit others for personal gain or profit.”  Without a doubt the actions of those at the highest levels of the Obama administration who attempted to frame General Flynn can be described as predatory.

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General Michael Flynn Was Framed

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The process moves forward on General Flynn’s exoneration.  On Tuesday Flynn’s former legal defense “found” thousands of documents that they had not forwarded to Flynn’s current defense.  In the interview with Lou Dobbs below, Sidney Powell mentions the number 17,500 pages.  Now one could understand a document here or there being missed.  The deluge of “found” documents suggests something else.  Did I mention that Eric Holder is a partner at the former law firm representing Flynn?  Hmm…

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What The…?

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It is being reported on multiple news outlets that the State of NY Health Department MANDATED that nursing homes accept COVID-19 patients who were “medically stable.”  See here, here and here.

In part, the directive reads,

“No resident shall be denied re-admission or admission to the NH solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19. NHs are prohibited from requiring a hospitalized resident who is determined medically stable to be tested for COVID-19 prior to admission or readmission.”

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The President Was Right…Again

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Back in Early March PDJT went on the Sean Hannity show.  PDJT said that he had a hunch that the fatality rate for the Wuhan virus would turn out to be much lower than what WHO was quoting at the time (3 to 4 percent).  The President said he thought it would turn out to be below one percent.

The President’s hunch is turning out to prescient.  Recent antibody surveys conducted in multiple locations around the country show that the number of people infected are many orders of magnitude higher than the confirmed case numbers.

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Fake News…Again

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On Thursday the media reported that PDJT had suggested the possibility of “injecting” disinfectant into a person to treat COVID-19.  The media immediately went into attack mode to smear the President.  Calling PDJT “irresponsible” to suggest such a treatment was one of the milder comments.  They also lied when they said that the President has repeatedly tried to get the public to try “unproven” treatments.

Dr. Vin Gupta, a pulmonologist, global health policy expert and an NBC News and MSNBC contributor said,

“This notion of injecting or ingesting any type of cleansing product into the body is irresponsible and it’s dangerous.  It’s a common method that people utilize when they want to kill themselves.”

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No One Is Above The Law

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During the faux impeachment hearings led by Adam Schiff (D-CA), we kept hearing the phrase “no one is the above the law.”  Schiff said it over and over ad nauseum.  A fawning press memorialized it.  Because Schiff is a Democrat (who by definition is above the law), I am sure that he never thought his conduct during these efforts would be called into question.

Schiff thought wrong.  Brendan Carr, Federal Communication Commissioner, is formally investigating Rep. Schiff for violating privacy laws — more like obliterating them — by setting up his own surveillance state to target the president’s allies.

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The silent majority is becoming decidedly less silent.  As draconian lockdown orders have spread throughout the country, the level of frustration has gone up with most Americans who were fine with voluntary compliance with the CDC guidelines.

While the MSM initially attempted to downplay the protests as a fringe movement by a few “right wing idiots,” the reality is that thousands and thousands of people are no longer going to sit by and allow politicians to dictate what they can and cannot do.  Beginning with the drive-by protests by people in their cars in Lansing, Michigan, pushback against the various state lockdown orders has now spread to 18 states.  Another seven states have rallies scheduled this coming week including Missouri, Pennsylvania and Maine.

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