Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

Trump Derangement Syndrome

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This writer makes some very good points about the Left and their strategies to take over the country.  We would be underestimating them if we buy into the idea that they are stupid and delusional.  They may be in a panic right now because of the impending release of IG reports and DOJ indictments that could seriously undermine their status with the public. However, I am sure they have plans to counter impending bad news.

This article is well worth the read.

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House Republicans Storm Schiff’s Bunker

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On Wednesday House Republicans stormed Adam Schiff’s bunker in the Capitol basement.  They displayed anger over the evilness of the Democrats in their continuing efforts to overthrow President trump, VP Pence, Secretary Pompeo and AG Barr.

Lou Dobbs talked with Andy Biggs,

I, for one, am glad to see some fire from the Republicans.  This is war.  As Biggs said, relying on process is not enough.  It is long past time to display solidarity with the President for all he is doing for all Americans. ... 

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A Lynching

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Clarence Thomas called it “a high tech lynching” when the Democrats accused  Thomas of being a sex maniac during his confirmation hearings.  The Democrats were trying to create a “lynching” atmosphere so that they could defeat his nomination.  The facts be damned.  A good man was smeared because the Democrats did not like the fact that he was a constitutionalist.  The Dems knew that it would be difficult to persuade Thomas to abandon his legal principles and vote to transform the country into something other than a constitutional republic.  Therefore his nomination had to be derailed.  The Dems did not succeed because a good man stood up and called them out on what they were trying to do.

They tried the same thing with Justice Kavanaugh.  Instead of Anita Hill, they substituted Christine Blasey Ford. Her story was as fake as it gets. The storyline was deliberately obtuse so that few details could be checked.  Why?  If real details were there, the whole narrative would have quickly collapsed like the house of cards that it was.  It did eventually collapse anyway but not before the Dems had once again smeared a good man.

There is no question but that the Dems are trying this again.  This time it is the President that they are trying to lynch.  Nineteen minutes after PDJT took the oath of office, the Washington Post was front and center reporting that the impeachment case against PDJTwas underway.

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An Indictment

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An interesting bit of news hit the wire on Wednesday.   Via DOJ, one Imaad Zuberi, a 49-year-old resident of Arcadia, California, agreed to plead guilty to a variety of illegal activities surrounding campaign contributions, political influence, and unregistered lobbying on behalf of foreign clients.

Zuberi has agreed to plead guilty to those charges at a later date, pursuant to a plea agreement.  This kind of language in a charging situation normally indicates that the felon has agreed to help out with other cases.  His sentencing recommendation will depend on how truthful and helpful he is to prosecutors at the DOJ.

Just who was he raising money for? And how much?

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Investigating Corruption Is An Impeachable Offense

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Pelosi says that any effort by a Republican administration to investigate prior political corruption is an impeachable offense.  Speaker Pelosi released a document on Monday with all sorts of lurid headlines like “the Shakedown” and “The Cover Up”.  This document would make the National Enquirer proud.  The essence of this document is that investigating prior political corruption committed by Democrats is not permitted.

Why?  Because Pelosi knows that, even if only a small bit of the pile of dung that was the corrupt efforts of the Democrats during the 2016 election is exposed to sunlight, the Democrats’ chances of being a viable political entity in this country would be destroyed for decades.  The Democrats are frantic in their attempts to squash any investigation because they know just how bad the corruption was.  This was corruption they expected to get away with since HRC was a shoo-in for the Presidency.

This document essentially says that the legislative b Continue reading...


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This is an excellent video if a bit long (26 minutes).  It really speaks to the heart of the matter for all concerned on both sides of the Atlantic.  It is a well-presented argument for the validity of the US/UK “populist” movement and the tone-deafness of those who oppose it.

Unelected bureaucrats in the EU should not rule of the citizens of each EU country. Did the people of the EU know, when the EU was created, that was the template for governance?

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We don’t need to explain this too much but…we’ll do it anyway.

Every week, Democratic lawmakers leap for joy when some tidbit comes out that they think will enable them to finish the coup that they have been trying to execute since PDJT was elected.

First, it was collusion with Russia.  Mueller tried to trap PDJT into an obstruction charge.  He spent almost two years and millions of dollars to no avail.

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On Sunday ABC News ran dramatic video footage of a Kurdish town under bombardment by Turkish forces just one week after PDJT announced the withdrawal of some 50 American troops stationed between Turkish Forces and the Kurds who had fought beside us against ISIS.  Good Morning America repeated the story on Monday.

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Dozens of Whistleblowers

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First, the disclaimer.  The story below is fictional and is known as satire.  Unfortunately, due to the fact that gossip can now be the foundation of whistleblower complaints, it portrays a near future that is not outside the realm of being reasonably possible.  Enjoy the story!

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A Home Run!

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The Eastbank Little League All Stars visited the White House on Friday to celebrate their Little League World Series Championship.  Eastbank was the 1st team in Little League World Series history to lose their first game and come back to win the championship.

At the meeting, Trump asked the team members’ parents if the team could hop on Air Force One for the ride back to Louisiana since Trump was already headed to the state for a campaign rally in Lake Charles.

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