Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

AG Bill Barr Interviewed By CBS

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On Friday U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr had a 48-minute interview with Jan Crawford on CBS.  The interview covered a variety of issues. There is much insight here into the ongoing “review” of prior DOJ and FBI conduct during the 2016 election.  It included the “review” that AG Barr is conducting into the basis for the spying that was done on the Trump Campaign.

The entire interview can be heard here.

The section below concerns a bit of Barr’s background and also what the AG’s responsibilities to the people are. It also touches on what Barr’s basic concerns are regarding the “review.”  One of the things that jumps out is that Barr believes that the AG’s office is responsible to protect the people’s rights.  When was the last time we had an AG who believed that his office was there to protect the people’s rights from government abuse?

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The Real Origins Of Spygate, Part 2

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In Part 1 a lot of different items were covered with regard to the biggest political scandal in the history of our country.  There were intentional deceptions that may have put national security at risk.  There were undercover operations that were designed to “dirty up” Trump campaign advisors. There were entrapment schemes to silence/control people who may have known something about what was going on. There was the Steele Dossier.  There were FISA warrants issued based on unverified information.  There is the Mueller report which intentionally misleads the public regarding the extent of Russia’s attempts to interfere in the 2016 election as well as who the Russians would have preferred to see as President.  And as time goes on and more malfeasance is exposed, we will see even more corruption from inside the Obama administration.

However, none of this exposes the origins of the corruption inside the Obama administration.  In fact, much of this serves as a smokescreen to divert the public’s attention.  So, just where and when was the germination point for the beginnings of the corrupt activities?

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The Real Origins Of Spygate, Part 1

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To get into the big picture about the origins of Spygate, there is a lot that one needs to ignore.  Allowing oneself to get caught up in emotion, whether it be righteous anger or unbridled outrage, will lead to being distracted from the real origins of the attacks against this country and this administration.

Not that there is nothing here to be outraged or upset over.  There is much here that makes the blood boil.  It is difficult to know where to start.

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Democrats Scramble

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Now that declassification has been announced, what can be expected from the Democrats?  Keep in mind that the potential legal exposure of members of the Obama administration is considerable.  Already there is a scramble to deflect blame by some of the chief participants in the Russia narrative hoax.

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Declassification Specs

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On Thursday night PDJT issued a memo which gave AG Barr specific powers and marching orders relating to declassifying matters relevant to the Russia investigation and its origins.  What exactly is the authority that PDJT has delegated to AG Barr?

To understand this one first has to understand what the President’s authority is on classification and declassification.  The President has the power to classify and declassify anything.  This makes sense since he is the commander-in-chief.  Independent experts as well as experts on both sides of the aisle agree concerning this legal power of the president.  Whether such actions are wise or not is another story.

Normal classification and declassification duties are usually performed by people lower in the food chain so to speak.  This is because they have been delegated to do so, usually by an appointee chosen by the President.  These kinds of activities take place in many different departments within the federal government.

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BOOM!!!  Declassification Starts!

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Friday will not be a slow news day this week.  After two years of being on the defensive while the Deep State and its political allies attempted to undermine his presidency, attempted to oust him and attempted to cover up the illegal activities of the Obama administration (Not. One. Single. Whisper. Of. Scandal.), PDJT is striking back.

PDJT and his wife visited the graves of some of our country’s heroes in Arlington cemetery during the day on Thursday.  President Trump paid his respects by placing American flags at several gravesites during an ear Continue reading...

Why Montoursville?

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On Tuesday there was a special election for the House in Pennsylvania House district, PA-12.  This has been a reliably safe Republican seat during the incumbency of Tom Marino. Marino resigned in January leading to the need for a special election to fill the seat.

There were two main-stream candidates, Fred Keller (R) and Marc Friedenberg (D).  Keller was a state legislator while Friedenberg, an academic and lawyer, had run against Marino in 2018.

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Cold Anger

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Bill Whittle summarizes the corruption of the Obama administration and what followed. He lays it out item by item.  Bill Whittle doesn’t say “Cold Anger” but what he expresses, the anger, the frustration and the resolve, is exactly that.

This has not been just an attempted coup to bring down PDJT.  The coup attempt is trying to hide the corruption of many elite pols.  PDJT was and is a threat to them and their cash cows!

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The Art Of The Deal

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In what historians will undoubtedly debate as a master stroke, PDJT announced on Friday that the tariffs on aluminum and steel from Canada and Mexico had been removed.  At the same time Canada and Mexico removed their tariffs on American goods.  All of this is expected to be in effect by Monday, May 20th.

Bloomberg…President Donald Trump said the U.S. will lift steel and aluminum tariffs on Canada and Mexico, boosting efforts to encourage lawmakers to ratify a new North American trade deal (USMCA).

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Thursday was an interesting day.  Over in Italy it is reported that Prime Minister Giuseppe Conté has requested the resignations of six top Italian intelligence officials. The resignation requests are being interpreted as a reaction to the possible exposing of collusion with U.S. intelligence officials during the 2016 U.S. election in the operation now known as “Spygate.”

Keep in mind that Conté is the head of a new government, one that was not in place in 2016.  Also keep in mind that Joseph Mifsud, who had largely disappeared from public view, had been found in Rome.  Mifsud is closely linked to George Papadopoulos and the “Spygate” schemes that were hatched overseas.

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