Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

Nunes Interview

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Rep. Devin Nunes is interviewed on Fox Business News with Maria Bartiromo to discuss AG Bill Barr being called to testify in the House about the Roger Stone case sentencing.  Additionally, Nunes discusses issues with the Mueller investigation and dirty cops.

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Media Bias

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On Friday Devin Nunes went on the Ingraham Angle and discussed his participation on the Thursday celebration at the White House over the impeachment victory.  The mild-mannered Nunes was very strong and clear about the Democrats and the media and how dirty and corrupt they have been since PDJT came down the escalator at Trump Towers in June, 2015.

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Truth, Justice and Liberty

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Wow! What a week it was!  John Fitzgerald Kennedy would not recognize the party he once led.  The Democrats have abandoned any and all obligations to truth, justice and liberty.  The Democrats showed the nation how incompetent, petulant and childish they are. 

On Monday the Democrats demonstrated that they could not run a caucus in a small state (Iowa) and have the results reported in a timely fashion.  They blamed the problem on “technical issues” in the reporting software.  This software had been developed by some Clinton operatives from the 2016 election.  It was funded in part by Pete Buttigieg, one of the candidates.

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A True American Hero

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Robert Kennedy would not recognize the Democratic Party today.  Not only do they flout the law, they boast about breaking it.  Not only do they tolerate what they know to be wrong, they join in and wallow in it.

The Democrats believe themselves to be above the law.  Some within the Democratic Party who know about wrongdoing, are too deeply involved to speak out.  Others are too frightened to speak up.  This is, perhaps, understandable in light of the number of people in the past who were ready to speak out who met an untimely end.

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Over the last several years a new psychiatric term has made its way into the lexicon.  It is Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).  While it is not yet in the library of approved mental illnesses, it was on display in full view of the nation on Tuesday night.

At the end of the President’s State of the Union address, Speaker Nancy Pelosi had a complete and unadulterated meltdown that resulted in her ripping up a copy of the transcript (destined for the National Archives)  in full view of the country.

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Impeachment 2.0 Ends

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The farce known as the impeachment of PDJT is over.  Well, of course, it is not truly over just yet.  There is the vote of the “jurors” that still has to be taken.  That is scheduled for sometime Wednesday at this point.

This is probably a good time to step back and take a look at the events from the 30,000-foot level.  When one does this, the pattern immediately becomes obvious.  All of the events since the election in 2016 (actually there were events even before that…”insurance policy”) have been geared to the removal of PDJT from office.  This has been simply about the Democrats, the Deep State and the media working together to accomplish this.  They are scared to death that PDJT will actually return the power to the people.

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The Next Phase

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With an acquittal looming over them from the farce of an impeachment that the Speaker orchestrated by decree, Speaker Pelosi went to the microphones and claimed that PDJT would not be acquitted if the Senate acquits him of the charges.  Yes, Pelosi actually said that.

Apparently some in the media are recognizing the truth of the matter and are becoming a bit bolder about questioning the Speaker.  The reporter asked,

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Wildwood, NJ

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A campaign rally for PDJT is scheduled for Tuesday evening in Wildwood, NJ.  People started showing up for the rally at 6 PM on Sunday!  These people got on line and are camping out overnight in the bitter cold of winter just to be able to get in to the Convention Center.  Hundreds were in line at 1 PM Monday when the video below was shot.

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