Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

Frivolous Prosecutions

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The recent election campaigns have illustrated that the Democrats will stoop to any low to win an election.  Perhaps the architectural blueprint for a lot of this type of activity occurred ten years ago in Alaska.  At that time Senator Ted Stevens-R was running for re-election.  The Democrats abused the legal system until Stevens’ name and career were utterly destroyed.

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Campus Free Speech

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As I discussed in a post last week, political correctness is about rigidity of thinking.  The idea is to censor people’s thinking along fairly rigid and specific lines. By not allowing thinking that is outside the box, the hope is to control the ways people see what is around them. In other words this is a method to alter people’s perception of reality.

If a person dares to speak/think outside accepted norms, the left will label him/her.  The form of that label will be will depend on the circumstances that surround the stepping outside the box.  The label will present the individual as a deplorable.  They may call the person a racist, a sexist, a homophobe, an islamophobe, etc.  Whatever it will be, it will be such as to present the person as evil in some way.

In this day and age there is no area of American life with more rigidity of thinking than on our college campuses.  The fact is that 1 in 6 of America’s 400 top colleges have “free speech zones.”  “Free speech zones”—the name sounds good, right? The sad truth is that free speech zones are far from free. Many college campuses restrict free speech solely to these areas, meaning that the rest of campus is not open for expression.  Not only that but many of the so-called free speech zones have unduly restrictive regulations on their use which include pre-registration, limited use and limited areas.

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Over the weekend 500 to 1000 migrants from Central America decided to try to invade the country from Tijuana.  The showdown at the San Diego-Tijuana border crossing has contrasted two competing narratives about the caravan of migrants hoping to come into America but stuck on the Mexican side. Some see them as a threat to U.S. national security.  Others insist that they are primarily women and children fleeing violence.

So what was the truth? There are women and children in the caravan.  But, they are a minority.  The U.S. Border Patrol’s top agent in the San Diego region said the migrants used some women and children as human shields as they hurled rocks and debris at officers guarding a fence. ... 

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Hillary Clinton Opposes Open Borders

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In an interview with The Guardian last Thursday Hillary Clinton came out against the unrestricted flow of migrants into Europe.  This has shaken Democratic politicians to the core. Democrats have been unrestrained in their support of an “open borders” policy in America as well as in their criticism of PDJT’s policies on our southern border with Mexico.

Hillary Clinton said that immigration reform, “not open borders,” is needed “on both sides of the Atlantic.”   “I think Europe needs to get a handle on migration because that is what lit the flame.”  Is this a trial balloon to see if she can garner support for another run at the Presidency? She knows that the issue resonates with significant portions of the American electorate.

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Camp Fire Cause

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The Camp Fire in California is being touted as the worst wildfire in the state’s history.  The town of Paradise has effectively been wiped off the map by the fire.  Approx. 90% of the structures in the town have been reduced to ashes.  The devastation is difficult to describe. The video below is not for the faint of heart.

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Mid-Term Election Results, Part 2

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The mid-terms are over more or less.  What are the effects of these mid-term elections?

Down in Florida, because of the close races for Senator and Governor, the sketchy activities of a certain Supervisor of Elections have had a long-overdue sunbeam shined on them.  Of course, this is not the first time that Broward County has been in the spotlight.

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Mid-Term Election Results, Part 1

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The mid-term elections are mostly over.  There are still a few House races to be determined and a couple of Senate seats as well. Apparently, as I write this, the Democrats are trying to steal a Senate election in Florida and Arizona.  The corruption of the voting process in South Florida is incredible.  How all that will play out is unknown at this point.

So what was the result? Was the outcome “ a historic win” as PDJT said or did a “blue wave” occur as the Democrats claim?

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Unemployment Craters

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Great MAGAnomic payroll numbers were released the other day.  ADP/Moody’s private payroll analysis shows 227,000 jobs gained in October, and September’s revised actual payroll numbers increased from 218k to 230k.

It is interesting to note that during this economic expansion under PDJT payroll numbers are consistently underreported.  Almost every month numbers are revised upward from the previous month.  In some cases the numbers were more than 40% off.  This contrasts strongly with the Obama administration where numbers were often revised downward.

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Consumer Confidence Soars

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As reported by the Conference Board the Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) jumped up 2.6 points to 137.9 in October. That is the highest level in 18 years.  The Conference Board noted:

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Should Blacks Like Trump?

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The Democrats have constantly tried to paint PDJT as a racist.  During the 2016 campaign they made a huge deal out of the fact that David Duke endorsed him. Of course, Trump did not seek Duke’s endorsement and blew it off when it came.   When elected, did he then ignore the black community as the Democrats have done for decades after they won elections?

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