Category Archives: Protests

March For Life

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This weekend saw the annual March For Life in Washington.  There were other marches this past weekend but they paled in comparison to the importance of the March For Life.  Tens of thousands of people descended on Washington in the face of an approaching severe winter storm.  They marched to protect the rights of those who cannot speak for themselves.  They marched to protect the rights of the unborn.

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Normalizing Political Violence

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As has been pointed out before, the left wants the American people to accept political violence as normal.  Hatred and calls for violence from left wing activists are now so routine that few prominent people bother to condemn them.

Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi have constantly been urging their supporters to confront those who do not agree with their Marxist philosophy, to get in their faces in public, to harass them in restaurants, at department stores, at gas stations.  Waters even extended this to harassing people in their homes.  The goal is to silence those who disagree with them.

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DOJ Election Collusion?

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2018 has revealed on many levels the extent of the corruption in the DOJ and the FBI.  Only people who have been completely brainwashed will fail to see this. Knowing how far back this went, as Sundance over at CTH noted recently, looking back at events that may have appeared not connected at the time may be seen differently now.

As Sundance has noted, the case of Marc Turi takes on a new perspective. Turi admits to a criminal history. He told Fox Business that in the late 1980s, he stole a computer, his roommate’s car, and wrote bad checks including one for $100,000. Through court records, Fox News verified he was arrested, convicted, and served time in an Arizona jail. Turi admitted “In my youth, I made some very, very bad mistakes…I was discharged from the United States Navy other under than honorable conditions…and I’ve been fighting ever since to get that honor back.” ... 

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Has France Ignited Europe’s Arab Spring?

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Over the weekend some 125,000 people across France donned yellow safety jackets. They rallied against President Emmanuel Macron and the high cost of living in France. In Paris, armored vehicles and almost ten thousand police tried to contain the demonstrators.

Many famous Paris tourist spots were locked down during a fourth weekend of protests. Almost 1400 people were arrested and dozens of people were injured. Because of the increased police presence there appeared to be fewer outbreaks of mass violence that had plagued Paris on previous weekends.

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