2018 has revealed on many levels the extent of the corruption in the DOJ and the FBI. Only people who have been completely brainwashed will fail to see this. Knowing how far back this went, as Sundance over at CTH noted recently, looking back at events that may have appeared not connected at the time may be seen differently now.
As Sundance has noted, the case of Marc Turi takes on a new perspective. Turi admits to a criminal history. He told Fox Business that in the late 1980s, he stole a computer, his roommate’s car, and wrote bad checks including one for $100,000. Through court records, Fox News verified he was arrested, convicted, and served time in an Arizona jail. Turi admitted “In my youth, I made some very, very bad mistakes…I was discharged from the United States Navy other under than honorable conditions…and I’ve been fighting ever since to get that honor back.” ...
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