Another Catholic Prelate Weighs In

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The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate (BCP) is a community of monks, priests and bishops living in monasteries. The BCP is headed by Patriarch Elijah with two Secretary Bishops, +Timothy and +Methodius. The BCP arose from the need to defend the fundamental Christian truths against heresies and apostasy.

Just as Archbishop Vagano has done, the head of this order has taken a stand on the side of righteousness and is opposing the fake Jesuit who occupies the papacy.

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Lock The Door

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Sundance has written an exceptionally insightful post about the changing landscape on the left.  The clip below aligns with the idea that the professional politicians and other elites will try to distance themselves from the results of their labors.  Ms. Bari Weiss tried to shift the focus by saying, “It is now a pandemic of the bureaucracy.”

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Masks Equal Sneakers

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Kathy Hochul was not put on the gubernatorial ticket with Cuomo because she would be a competent governor.  She was put there to attract female votes.  Her incompetency continues to be displayed on a regular basis in the great State of New York.  Her latest foray into ridiculous statements supporting mask mandates for children is a shining example of this incompetency.

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Empty Grocery Shelves

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The mother of all supply chain issues began on Saturday.  The United States has now prohibited truckers who have not been jabbed with a COVID “vaccine” from crossing the border into the country.  In addition to supply chain issues outside the food market, the grocery shelves will be heavily impacted by this nonsensical ruling from our government.  One would think that the administration is deliberately trying to collapse the economy.

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The Pendulum Swings Back

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Virginia is providing the first glimpse that things may get better.  For those who may have been off planet when it happened, Virginia elected a Republican governor, lieutenant-governor and attorney general in November.  This was a big surprise since the governorship was considered a lock for the Democratic candidate.  Now that everyone has assumed office, they have not wasted any time in making changes that should benefit all the people of Virginia.

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Something Smells

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Before the smoke and dust had settled from the flash bangs and gunfire that ended the life of the terrorist Malik Faisal Akram in Colleyville, Texas, on Saturday, a stench was beginning to permeate the whole story of what exactly was going on.  The passage of time has strengthened the idea that there are many things that do not seem quite kosher.

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Mandate! Segregate! Subjugate!

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There has been a growing debate about just how communist the Democratic Party has become.  The Democrats have created an emotional need for people to believe that they have not harmed themselves or their children by getting the jab.  Such people who have bought into this BS have great difficulty in looking objectively at what has been foisted on them.  A recent Rasmussen poll shows just how far from believing in the principles of liberty Democrats have strayed.

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