A little humor in trying times. Hat tip to RM
A little humor in trying times. Hat tip to RM
The Marine Corps Commandant blames ‘disinformation‘ for the fact that 12,500 Marines are still refusing the vaccination. Failure to inject a poison into their bodies may end their military service if they do not comply.
U.S. Energy Secretary, Jennifer Granholm, goes on CNN and claims that the Biden administration has no responsibility for gas prices likely to reach $4/gal. She adds that Americans this year are almost certain to pay historic amounts for home heating oil and natural gas as well. Again, she disclaims all responsibility for the fiasco that the administration is inflicting on America. What planet is this person from?
The mindless wonder inhabiting the White House is cracking under the pressure of having to answer questions he doesn’t like. I wonder why they are letting him out in public to do so.
What in the world is the Speaker of the House talking about? This is supposed to be someone who is in full command of her faculties. She is part of the illegitimate government that is trying to turn the country into a communist one.
Procter & Gamble (“P&G”) is one of America’s largest corporations. It is putting a vaccine mandate into place for more than 26,000 American employees. This will require them to get vaccinated, meet a “company-approved” exemption, or take weekly COVID tests. Those employees opposed to the vaccine mandate are pushing back.
This is a powerful message. We may see the slowing grinding to a halt of the American economy while the avatar in the White House tells us how wonderful double-digit inflation is and how he is personally invested in helping us down the road to totalitarianism. We have already seen what can happen when other companies like Southwest Airlines and American Airlines experience pushback from their employees. ...
A German politician gave a powerful speech in the European Parliament. It’s about government, about citizenship, and the Covid Regime. It’s short and very direct.
Christine Margarete Anderson is a German politician who is serving as an Alternative for Germany Member of the European Parliament.
More and more people are coming to realize that all this nonsense about COVID and “vaccines” are not about health. A commenter who I will refer to as Bogey has listed 11 items that show that this is not about health.
Are long-term, side effects from the mRNA therapy disguised as a “vaccine” beginning to surface across the country? As COVID cases subside across the country, hospital emergency rooms are bursting with patients. Why?
I have not republished one of Dr. Woods pieces in some time. In this one he talks about “preaching to the choir.” This has reminded me about that fact that “preaching to the choir” is not a bad thing.
Dr. Woods’ article: