Democrat to English Dictionary

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In these trying times, it is very important to be able to understand communications coming from various sources.  Without an accurate understanding of what is being communicated, one could arrive at the wrong insights into what is happening in the country.  With that in mind, Eric Utter over at American Thinker, as a public service, has provided a dictionary which translates Democratese into standard English.

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Throwing Sand In The Machine

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Agitprop works because it gets to people to think about what is going on.

Big Media’s narrative engineers are slowly losing their power over the people.  They still control the communications media but are increasingly being sidestepped by more and more people as a reliable source for what is happening in the country.  Pretty soon CNN may have more employees than viewers.

Click here for a video spoof of the madness behind what is going on.

Then there is this thought.

Do not cave into them!

You are not alone! ... 

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It Begins Here

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Early this week I wrote about Israel mandating vaccination for all citizens (Will A Yellow Star Be Required).  In it I related that PM Bennett tried to shame people into getting jabbed.

Dear citizens, those who refuse vaccines are endangering their health, those around them and the freedom of every Israeli citizen. They are endangering our freedom to work, the freedom of our children to learn and the freedom to hold celebrations with the family.

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Odds & Ends, Mostly COVID

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You won’t see this in the NYTimes.  Look Ahead America’s (LAA) Executive Director Matt Braynard has announced that they have discovered at least 157,299 illegal ballots cast in the Wisconsin presidential election.

The amount of ballots that they believe to have been illegally cast is about eight times the 20,000 vote margin of victory in the election.

It’s no wonder that Twitter shut down the audit account in Wisconsin.  Can’t have the public finding out just how egregious the election fraud was. ... 

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Twitter Censors Arizona Audit

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Just how bad is America’s Audit in Arizona for the Democrats?  How much did PDJT win Arizona by?  It must be horrendous for the Dems.  Yesterday Big Tech moved to shut down the Twitter accounts of the Arizona Audit.  This is a clear attempt to try to minimize the release of information to the public.  Twitter is doing what the government is not allowed to do.

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One Party Rule

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The Democrats believe that only one group should be allowed to conduct political discourse in this country.  Of course, that would be the Democrats.  If you disagree with any policy put forward by the Democrats, you are subject to being harassed, shamed and cancelled.  Over and over, Democrat lawmakers at all levels have demonstrated that their tolerance for speech with which they disagree does not exist.

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And So It Continues

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The political elite desperately need something to distract the public from the ongoing investigations and audits of the 2020 election fraud.  As I mentioned yesterday, they need a new scariant.  They need the public to focus on something other than election fraud.  The Delta variant appears to be the current scariant of choice here.  In the UK the Lambda variant is getting a lot of scary press.

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Grassroots Resistance

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Edmund Burke once said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”  Of course, in his day women did not have an equal voice.   Today the quote should be “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men and women to do nothing.”

Evil is running rampant in our country.  It is not trying to hide.  The Democrats, who are “woke supremacists,” believe that only they should be in power.  They are the heirs to Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Mao.  They believe that power rightfully belongs to them and will cling to that power by any means necessary.  The corrupt acts that they have engaged in make Watergate look like amateur hour.  With control of Big Media and Big Tech squarely in their hands, this is a question that I hear from time to time.  How do ordinary citizens fight back?

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