Are The Dominoes Starting To Fall?

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As I mentioned yesterday, there is an audit of the election results going on in Windham, New Hampshire.  The controversy in Windham started following a recount last fall in the race for the town’s fourth House seat between Republican Julius Soti and Democrat Kristi St. Laurent.

Soti won by 24 votes on election night.  This was out of some 9K+ votes that were cast.  In other words by less than 0.3% of the vote total.  His Democratic challenger asked for a recount.

Imagine the surprise when a hand recount three weeks after the Nov. 3 election found all four Republicans running for seats in the New Hampshire House in Windham had received about 300 more votes than were reported from automatic AccuVote counting machines on election night.  Not only that but the Democratic challenger lost some 99 votes during the hand recount.

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Election Audit Update

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When I use a title like “Election Audit Update” of course, I mean the one going on in Arizona.  This is not to overlook the fact that there are other audits going on.  New Hampshire is one such locale where a Democrat started the ball rolling by asking for a recount of a close race for state legislative office.  When irregularities were uncovered, this led to the audit that is now underway.

However, the Arizona audit is the one in the spotlight.  Kelli Ward once again provides the details. ... 

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Mask Reversal

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In less time than it takes for the sun to rise twice, the CDC reversed itself on mask usage last week.   On Thursday, The CDC announced that those who have been vaccinated can go maskless.  This followed an announcement on Wednesday that mask usage was still the norm for everyone.

The whole mask narrative was a false one from the beginning.  Despite the media’s attempts to coerce Americans into blindly following the CDC’s directives, more and more Americans were seeing through the subterfuge.  Graphs of COVID infections were seeping out into the public realm.  Big Tech’s censorship was slowly being overwhelmed by the facts.

As Tom Woods noted:

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The economy is cratering.  Sex is no longer biological.  Gas lines like those during the Carter administration are back.  The border is a mess.  Children are dying trying to cross the border after Joe Biden invited them in.  Israel is at war with Hamas.  As usual, the Democrats are siding with Hamas.  Drug cartels do not see the border as any impediment to their distributing drugs in this country.  China is bullying just about everyone in the South Pacific.  Iran is desperately trying to create a nuclear bomb.  Gangs are stealing weapons from our military.  Election fraud is being exposed.  The government is paying people not to work.  Antifa is still rioting in certain areas of the country.

So what is the biggest threat to America?   According to the Attorney General, Merrick Garland, a member of the Woke Supremacist Democratic Party, it is white supremacy.  While testifying to Congress last week, Garland specifically referred to the January 6th “insurrection.”

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Is Massive Inflation Just Ahead?

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Are we headed to inflation the likes of which we have not seen since the Carter administration?  April saw an increase of 0.8% in the Consumer Price Index after a 0.6% increase in March.  The BLS reports a year over year increase of 4.2%.  Keep in mind that a third of that increase came in the last two months.  This inflation rate is three times the rate under the PDJT administration.  [Top Line Data Here – Detailed Sector Data Here].  I would not be surprised to see inflation hit 6% or higher this year.

A leading cause of these increases have been massive increases in energy costs.  Gasoline is up 49.6% year over year.  And this was before the spike in many areas of the country due to the ransomware attack on the Colonial Pipeline.  Fuel oil was up 37.3% year over year.  There are areas of the country where the increases are in the 70-90% range.

Higher gas prices hit the middle class the hardest.  It also causes an increase in the price of transporting goods particularly food.  Keep in mind that these data points are six weeks old.  They do not reflect recent upswings in energy prices.  Significant increases in the price of food will be the result in the months ahead.

Sundance notes:

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COVID Derangement Syndrome

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Morning Consult’s recent Return to Normal poll returned some eyebrow raising results: the vaccinated are considerably less comfortable doing basic human things than the unvaccinated.

To be sure, the vaccinated are already a self-selected group of risk-averse people, but this is still a ridiculous result. Why did you get the vaccine if you didn’t think it made it safe for you to go out, to go to a restaurant, to go to the movies, for heaven’s sake?

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Speak Out

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Franklin Raddish has written an excellent piece over at American Thinker about the need for freedom loving people to stand up and speak out about election integrity.  And, as Raddish noted, we need to do this over and over.  Otherwise, the Big Lie will win.

You can find Raddish’s piece here:

Election integrity: Never, ever stop speaking out

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