Massive Car Rallies For Trump

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Literally hundreds of thousands of vehicles participated in Trump car rallies around the country including Alaska and Hawaii over the weekend.  These were not rallies organized by the Trump campaign.  The people had decided enough is enough.  What grew out of boat parades became car rallies in early October.  These have spread like wildfire across the country.  This is an expression of Joy and optimism about America under the leadership of PDJT.  People from around the world are recognizing what he has done.  These kinds of rallies have started to show up in other countries.

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Trump dances.

The world needed PDJT to save the world from the inner darkness and he can guide the world into the light.  PDJT has done more for the USA in four years than any other President since World War II. He has achieved the lowest unemployment rate amongst Blacks, Asians and Hispanics in US History.  If some Americans cannot see the good he has done, I think these voters are brainwashed.

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Jon Voight Asks For America To Return To Its Roots

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Jon Voight calls out the lies that have been perpetrated to keep chances alive for evil to overcome the good that exists in this country.

The Left is destroying this country.  They are doing it so that they can live off the hard work and efforts of others.  In order to save the country, we must re-elect PDJT for four more years.  Only then can America have a chance to return to its roots in liberty and justice for all.

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It’s About Destroying America

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Black Lives Matter does not reflect the values of black America. They have their own agenda, that is, they seek to disrupt and destroy.

The coming election is about mob rule and anarchy vs liberty and freedom.  The Democrats know that they cannot win running on the principles of liberty put forth by our founding fathers.  So they are trying to cow enough people into bowing down to their demands.

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Media Fail

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The Mainstream Media and Big Tech continue to blackout the Biden corruption story because they know the American public will be aghast at what Joe Biden and his family were involved in.

We know at this point that the story was bigger than the media’s attempt to suppress it.  The American people have an innate sense of fairness.  More and more have awakened to the incredible level of corruption that has invaded the corridors of power.  This has resulted in an unprecedented level of support out on the streets for a sitting President. ... 

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Thoughts In An Idle Mind

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The Democratic candidate for President, Joe Biden, committed himself to choose a “woman of color” for his running mate for Vice President. Of course, he did just that.  Isn’t choosing a candidate on the basis of skin color the very definition of being racist?

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Thoughts Through An Idle Mind

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Hillary Clinton says the thought of Donald Trump winning the election makes her “literally sick to my stomach.”  I wonder why?

That’s an extraordinary reaction for someone who has been in politics for as long as she has.  Perhaps the real reason is because she knows she will have to account for the role she played in launching the Russiagate scandal as well as numerous other less than ethical activities from the Clinton Global Initiative and the Clinton Foundation.

Oh well.  Hillary could always stock up on Pepto. ... 

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One Priest’s Opinion About The Abyss We Face

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This is a must-see homily from Fr. Edward Meeks delivered at Christ the King parish in Towson, MD on 10/11/2020.  Fr. Meeks talks about the abyss that we face here in America with this election.  Fr. Meeks makes it clear that his first allegiance is not to any political candidate or party but rather to the word of God.

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