Where Are The Democrats?

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Two weeks ago when people were protesting lockdowns in their respective state capitals, Hillary Clinton came out and labelled these people as “domestic terrorists.”  These were regular citizens who were peacefully demanding their constitutional rights.  They did not burn, loot, riot or commit mayhem.  These were people who left the areas where they protested in better condition than before they arrived as they cleaned up after themselves.

Where is Hillary Clinton now?  As of this writing, she has not labelled the rioters, looters and murderers who are rampaging through our cities as any kind of terrorist, domestic or otherwise.  The same can be said for other Democratic elites.  Apparently these rioters, looters, arsonists, etc. are just exercising their constitutional rights.  Such people could not possibly be terrorists.

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Not Generally Speaking Unruly

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What is happening in this country is the direct result of Democratic policies.  For decades the Democrats have pitted not only blacks against whites and whites against blacks, but also Hispanics against blacks, and blacks against Hispanics, and Muslims against the LGBTQ community, and women against everyone, and everyone against Jews.

And the media enabled all of this.  They manufactured grievance, hatred and bigotry.  It has now come home to roost.  In city after city across the country, the hatred that has been fomented by the Democrats and their allies in the media is being expressed on the streets.

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BOOM – Dana Boente Removed!

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The wheels of justice continue to grind in the ongoing investigations into the corrupt activities of high level officials within the DOJ and the FBI.   According to multiple media sources FBI chief legal counsel Dana Boente was forced to resign on Friday.  Finally, sunlight has removed a very corrupt player.  And it was not Christopher Wray who did it.  This seems to be the work of AG Bill Barr.

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Protect Law Enforcement

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The following is a statement from a Republican lawmaker in South Carolina.

Every American has a right to demand answers. To demand a renewed dialogue. To demand change where appropriate. And FOR SURE to demand justice in the horrific death of George Floyd.

But those demands will quickly be lost in the chaos if they’re made by assaulting our law enforcement officers and destroying property. These disgusting images are just a few from South Carolina over the weekend. Throughout the nation, hundreds of officers have been injured during the last few days, which is completely intolerable. ... 

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Antifa – Domestic Terrorists

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On Saturday the violent far left group, Antifa, foot soldiers for the Democratic Party, were identified by AG Bill Barr as the primary organizing group behind the riots, looting, murder and mayhem spreading across the country.  Barr is not one to make statements like this unless he has definitive knowledge.

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Right On Point

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After the successful launch of the SpaceX rocket, PDJT gave a speech that addressed the riots going on around the country.  This was no Obama speech where he apologizes to the looters and thugs who are vandalizing our cities and violently attacking anyone who disagrees with them.

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A National Nightmare

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This is an interesting interview with Matt Whitaker, who was the acting Attorney General between Jeff Sessions and Bill Barr (11/7/2018-2/14/2019).  The interview highlights how the Special Counsel Witch Hunt continued to severely weaken the rule of law in this country.  The interview also displays the difficulty that AG Bill Barr has in trying to restore the faith of true Americans in our justice system.

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Not Generally Speaking Unruly

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Once again MSNBC shows that it has absolutely no integrity.  “Burn Down Minneapolis” has emerged as a rallying cry over the death of George Floyd.  Yet the coverage by Ali Velshi was:

“I want to be clear on how I characterize this. This is mostly a protest. It is not generally speaking unruly. But fires have been started.”

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Percentages of transgenders in the US population vary from 0.3% to 0.6%.  One of the lesser misadventures of the Obama administration was the forcing of schools to accept all kinds of regulations concerning transgenders.  The privacy rights of 99+% of the school age population were trampled to “protect” the rights of transgenders.  Schools were forced to allow biological males to use single sex facilities devoted to girls such as bathrooms, locker rooms and showers.  This was often done secretly without the parents’ knowledge.

A lesser known aspect of these policies was the forcing of girls’ sports to accept males as competitors.  Since the advent of Title IX in 1972 — a federal law that expanded athletic and educational opportunities for women — millions of girls and women have benefited from their own teams and chances for growth.  As anyone with an ounce of common sense understands, once puberty hits, female athletes cannot compete with male athletes.  Allowing biological males into female sports destroys the opportunities for girls to excel.

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Barr Sends More Help to The Durham Investigation

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On Wednesday, AG Barr assigned John Bash, the U.S. attorney for the Western District of Texas,  to assist USAO John Durham in the investigation of corrupt activity by former USIC,  DOJ and FBI officials.  USAO Bash is in addition to USAO Jeff Jensen who was assigned specifically to General Michael Flynn case.

Justice Dept. Spokesperson Kerri Kupec went onto Sean Hannity’s TV show and reported: “the attorney general determined that certain aspects of unmasking needed to be reviewed separately as a support to John Durham’s investigation.”

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