Conspiracy Hints!

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In what is clearly a shot across the bow of those who conspired to overthrow the President, AG Barr announced on Thursday on Laura Ingraham’s show that the Russia investigation that shadowed President Donald Trump for the first two years of his administration was started without any basis and amounted to an effort to “sabotage the presidency.”

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Democrats Hate Small Business Owners

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The Paycheck Protection Program is an SBA loan that helps small businesses keep their workforce employed during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis.  It is a loan designed to provide a direct incentive for businesses to keep their workers on the payroll.  SBA will forgive loans if all employees are kept on the payroll for eight weeks and the money is used for payroll, rent, mortgage interest, or utilities.  At least 75% of the money must be used for salaries.

Loan application processing began April 3rd.  Despite some initial confusion and some capacity issues within the SBA network, the program has been processing applications at a phenomenal rate.  Over $75 billion was submitted for approval in the first three business days the program was in operation.

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Special Counsel Fiasco Prosecution Ended

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For those who may have forgotten, in February, 2018, Special Counsel Robert Mueller brought a dramatic indictment against Russian actors allegedly responsible for interference in the 2016 presidential election. The indictment was made at a national press conference.  The Department of Justice posted the indictment online here.  The indictment charged three Russian companies and 13 Russian individuals with election related crimes.

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Wuhan Flu Treatment Update

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There is a light at the end of the tunnel and it is not another train coming at us.  A solution to the COVID-19 epidemic is visible.  The key to returning to normalcy is the rate at which people who contract the illness need to be hospitalized.

The media have been mostly ignoring this.  Every day and night they are blaring the TOTAL number of people who have gotten it along with the number who have died.  Of course, these numbers go up.  They will continue to do so because people will get the illness and, unfortunately, some will die.

When the media does pay attention to hospitalization, it is usually to scream that a hospital is being overwhelmed.  They pay little attention to the hospitalization rate, that is, the number of people who require hospitalization out of the number who fall ill.  This is the key to getting back to normal.

Let’s talk a couple of what-if scenarios.

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Rahm Emanuel, former chief of staff for President Obama and current mayor of Chicago, once said, “Never let a crisis go to waste.”  He was espousing the idea of using a crisis to get other things approved that had no chance otherwise.

Today with the coronavirus crisis in full bloom, governors are misrepresenting and/or lying about conditions and circumstances to move their state up on the list to get supplies or to get more money from the federal government.

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PDJT lowers the boom on ICIG Michael Atkinson.  PDJT has sent a letter to Congress giving them 30-days advance notice of the firing.

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On Thursday  Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer sent a letter to President Trump saying it was “long past the time” to name a senior military officer to lead the supply-chain effort.

As usual, Senator Schumer was attempting to smear the administration regarding U.S. supply needs in combating COVID-19.  This seems to be the only activity the Democrats are engaged in lately.

The letter is ridiculous since Admiral John Polowczyk is already in that supply-chain procurement and distribution position and Schumer knew this.

Apparently the Senator forgot that PDJT is a ferocious counter-puncher.

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Things We Have Learned

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This is the second in this series about things we have learned from the Chinese Flu crisis also known as COVID-19.

The question for today is can the World Health Organization (WHO) be trusted?  Are their pronouncements regarding health issues around the world worth anything more than something that can be used to line the bottom of bird cages?

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