Papal Indiscretions

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Just when one thinks that the Left could not stoop any lower, along comes something else to prove otherwise.  George Orwell’s 1984 is alive and well on the Left.  The Democrats have been piling on ridiculous claim after ridiculous claim through their Soviet-style “impeachment inquiry.”

Now Pope Francis has decided to get in on the act.  It is well known that Pope Francis does not particularly care for PDJT and his style of dealing with people.  The Pope turned the facts upside down with comments made to other Jesuits during a trip to Thailand.

According to Breitbart News:

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Media Bias

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The biggest problem that we have in this country today in trying to understand what is going on in Washington is the absolute and unending bias of the MSM against PDJT.  The modern Democrat party is a bad joke that would cease to exist entirely if not for the unwavering support of the powerful corporate media.

The media, as it exists today, will never stop being dishonest.  If an actual video surfaces showing that the head of a major media outlet admitting they want to overturn the 2016 election by framing Trump for crimes he didn’t commit, there would be a little outrage when the story first hits and then nothing.

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Impeachment Circus Continues

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The Democrats stoop to a new low during the impeachment circus going on in Washington currently led by Chairman Nadler who once again seems to be in over his head.  Who is picking these “witnesses” for the Democrats?  Where are the adults in the Democratic Party?

Professor Pamela Karlan from the Stanford Law School was invited by the Democrats to provide “objective and fair analysis” at today’s impeachment hearing.  This is the same professor who once explained how she had to cross the street rather than simply walk past the front of a Trump hotel.

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Impeachment Facts

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Now that it appears that Adam Schiff has given up on trying to create some narrative, any narrative (at least for the time being) that would make the President look bad, it is probably a good time to see where the Democrats are in their attempts to impeach the President overthrow the government of the United States.  We are fairly sure that Schiff is done since Pelosi has sent different House Democrats out to the media to say that no more witnesses are needed.  Of course, based on the presentations of the handpicked witnesses last week, more witnesses would probably just lead to uncovering more malfeasance by Democrats particularly in connection with Ukraine.

Despite media proclamations daily that some bombshell revelation was coming, no witness has testified to anything that even begins to approach an impeachable event.  This is despite considerable planning and narrative creation by expert lawyers on the Democrats’ staff.  And remember, these attorneys were hired last December to begin working on this.  It was difficult if not near impossible to understand just where the Democrats were headed with their presentation of “evidence.”  Perhaps that is because they had no evidence.  The Democrats went from quid pro quo, to extortion, to bribery, back to quid pro quo and finally at the end starting mumbling about Russia again.

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Iran on Fire

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President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw U.S. troops from an area in Syria between Turkish and Kurdish forces was supposed to be a victory for Russia and Iran.  Supposedly Iran would control the entire arc of the Levant from Baghdad to Beirut.

Once again the media has misled the public.  During the last two weeks protestors in Iran have literally set the place on fire.  The ability of Iran’s government to control their own country is in serious jeopardy.  There has been scant mention of this in US media.

Iranian protesters are on the streets in dozens of towns and cities across the country as anger spreads following a government decision to double/triple the price of fuel.  Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, came out in support of the government’s decision to increase gasoline prices and called those setting fire to public property “bandits” backed by the enemies of Iran.

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Happy Thanksgiving

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Thank you Almighty God for the blessing of President Donald J Trump. Thank you for your gifts and guidance. Thank you for the abundance that you have bestowed on America.  These are troubled times for some, please help them with their burdens.  Please help all who suffer heartache. Please help those who carry the light of your love and wisdom in their hearts.

Thank you for the sacrifices of our service members, law enforcement personnel, and first responders who selflessly serve and protect our Nation. Thank you for the men and women in uniform who volunteer to defend our liberty, so we are able to enjoy American life. We pray for their safety, and for the families who await their safe return.

Please help our President continue to help make America great again. Please help defeat the forces of evil that seek to snuff out the flame of freedom.

God Bless America and President Donald J Trump.

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Any sane person, who is not completely brainwashed, knows that almost the entire Special Counsel investigation was about trying to trap the President into an obstruction of justice charge.  They knew there was no collusion with Russia.  Andrew Weissman and his cohorts on the Special Counsel’s staff tried to invent “novel legal theories” to use to demonstrate that the President was guilty of obstruction of justice.  This came to an end when William Barr became AG and had a chance to review what the Special Counsel staff was doing.

Insanity is the only word that can even begin to characterize what the Democrats are doing now.  On Friday House Rep. Primila Jayapal (D-WA) went on CNN and defined a new form of obstruction of justice.  This is not one you will find in any law book.  Not even the corrupt attorneys on the Special Counsel’s staff tried this.

According to Jayapal, who was trying to save Nancy Pelosi’s failing impeachment inquiry hoax, the President trying to use the court system to adjudicate issues “is in and of itself obstruction of justice.”

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