8 Days in May

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Breaking News…On a day when the new Attorney General William Barr was confirmed and sworn in, It has been reported on multiple news outlets that Andrew McCabe and others at the FBI and DOJ plotted to remove PDJT from office in May 0f 2017.  This info appears to have come from a 60 Minutes interview of Andrew McCabe with Scott Pelley.  This is reported to have occurred during the period of time between the firing of the “holier than thou” FBI Director James Comey and the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller by Rod Rosenstein.

Reports indicate that there were meetings at DOJ discussing whether the Vice President and a majority of the cabinet could be brought together to remove the president of the United States under the 25th Amendment.  The reasons given were PDJT’s firing of James Comey and the fact that supposedly PDJT was soft on Russia.

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Why Is California A Sanctuary State?

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As most people know, California insists that it is a sanctuary state. Why are they doing this?  Many cities in California have areas that have become literal cesspools from the large numbers of homeless there.  Their sanitation needs are not met by standard state-of-the-art sanitation procedures.  Some cities have “poop” patrols to clean up the streets from the poop and other unsanitary items put there by homeless people.  Third world diseases are now beginning to show up.  Los Angeles has a typhus problem which appears to be spreading.  Due to the shortage of housing, encouraging more illegals to go there just exacerbates the problem.

There is an old saying that one should “follow the money” if you want to know why seemingly rational people would pursue what appears to be a irrational course of action.  And in this case that certainly appears to be true.

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The Border Wall

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Negotiations on a border wall continue.  Supposedly a deal has been reached.  It is not clear if real progress has been made.  The Democrats apparently dropped their proposal to limit the number of detained immigrants caught inside the U.S. to a daily average of 16,500.  There is currently no such limit.

This is insane.  That’s like saying that the number of people detained for murder, assault, robbery, rape, etc., in this country should be limited to a specific number each day.  Do the Democrats want to encourage more crime in America?  That is just what this proposal would do. Hopefully this was fake bargaining position so that they could say that they compromised their position.  However, I doubt this is the case.  The fact that such a position is ridiculous is irrelevant to them.

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Normalizing Political Violence

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In another example of the left trying to normalize political violence, Joseph “Jose” Alcoff (aka “Chepe,” aka “Jose Martin”) has been charged with aggravated assault and ethnic intimidation against two US Marines.

U.S. Marine Corps reservists Alejandro Godinez and Luis Torres, dressed in their military uniforms, testified that a large group of left-wing Antifa activists beat the Marines after mistaking them for participants in a November “We the People” rally in Philadelphia.

The two Marines were in the city for a Marine Corps event.  According to the Marines’ testimony, they were touring historical landmarks near Front and Chestnut streets when approached by the Antifa thugs.  Godinez testified that they were asked  “Are you proud?” to which Godinez remembers responding “We are Marines.” Torres said that he remembers a second question “Are you Proud Boys?” an allusion to one of the alt-right groups behind the rally.  Torres said he didn’t understand. “I didn’t know what Proud Boys meant,” he said.

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Morality & The Border Wall

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Immigration is the seminal issue of our time.  When it comes to immigration, the distance between elite politicians in Washington and the common people is wider than the Grand Canyon. There are only a few people in Washington who are actually looking out for the people.  Fortunately for America and for liberty in general, one of them is PDJT.

The President hit the proverbial nail on the head when he said that controlling immigration is the moral thing to do.

Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, called the wall “immoral.”  So, apparently 72% of Americans are immoral for supporting the idea of a wall. ... 

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Immigration Hypocrisy

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The President’s State of the Union speech addressed many things.  One of the most important for the wellbeing of the country as a whole is the problem of illegal immigration on our southern border.  A transcript of that part of his speech is provided here below.

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Culture of Death, Part 2

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As noted yesterday, the killing of unborn children (and in some case post-born children), is being praised and cheered in some state legislatures. Legal barriers to late term abortions have been wiped out in NY and are under assault in a number of others, including Virginia, Rhode Island and New Mexico.  The NY law that was passed and those being considered in other states exist in only two other countries around the world, China and North Korea.

The Democratic Party, who supposedly stands for the dignity of all human beings, is embracing a culture of death that would make the Nazis and Communists proud.  The question is why now and why through the state legislatures?

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