Mid-Term Election Results, Part 2

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The mid-terms are over more or less.  What are the effects of these mid-term elections?

Down in Florida, because of the close races for Senator and Governor, the sketchy activities of a certain Supervisor of Elections have had a long-overdue sunbeam shined on them.  Of course, this is not the first time that Broward County has been in the spotlight.

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Mid-Term Election Results, Part 1

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The mid-term elections are mostly over.  There are still a few House races to be determined and a couple of Senate seats as well. Apparently, as I write this, the Democrats are trying to steal a Senate election in Florida and Arizona.  The corruption of the voting process in South Florida is incredible.  How all that will play out is unknown at this point.

So what was the result? Was the outcome “ a historic win” as PDJT said or did a “blue wave” occur as the Democrats claim?

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Freedom Of The Press

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Do the Democrats believe in freedom of the press?  On Wednesday night video emerged of the Antifa group Smash Racism DC demonstrating outside the house of FOX News’ Tucker Carlson.  In since deleted footage, a mob of Antifa thugs pounded on the door of Tucker Carlson’s house, cracking it.  A woman was overheard in one of the deleted videos saying she wanted to “bring a pipe bomb” to his house.  They then chanted and spray-painted the anarchy symbol on the driveway.

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Transgender Mania Rebuffed

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Recently the Trump administration has proposed, for Title IX purposes, to define that gender is determined by a person’s genitalia at birth.  Of course, that is the way that sex had been determined for eons.  HHS indicated that government agencies needed an explicit and uniform definition of gender.  Gender would be determined “on a biological basis that is clear, grounded in science, objective and administrable.”  Any dispute about one’s sex would be clarified using genetic testing. ... 

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America The Beautiful

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With all that is going on in our country we seem to forget how great our country is. God has blessed our country like no other in history, yet so much is taken for granted. Some even preach ambivalence or hate while others seek to destroy our freedom. Never give up, never give them an open door, never call them friend for they are not that. They are the wolves who seek to destroy our freedom, our faith, and our way of life. They seek to bring tyranny upon us. Give these evil doers no quarter, fight for your freedom and grow in faith. Stand fast.

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A True American Patriot

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A true American patriot, PDJT cleans dirt off a flag.  For the 1st time in a long time we have a President who represents all the people, who is fighting for all the people, not just the elites.

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Mid-Term Elections

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How does one decide whom to vote for in this year’s mid-terms?  The first question should be, is the country better off than it was two years ago?  Of course, the answer to that is a resounding “Yes!”  Is the party in the White House responsible for the outstanding results that have been delivered?  Again a resounding “Yes!”

The economy is roaring. Unemployment has dropped to levels not seen in 50 years.  Wages that had been stagnant for almost a decade are moving sharply up. Consumer confidence has reached levels not seen since the turn of the century.  People believe in the country again.

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Unemployment Craters

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Great MAGAnomic payroll numbers were released the other day.  ADP/Moody’s private payroll analysis shows 227,000 jobs gained in October, and September’s revised actual payroll numbers increased from 218k to 230k.

It is interesting to note that during this economic expansion under PDJT payroll numbers are consistently underreported.  Almost every month numbers are revised upward from the previous month.  In some cases the numbers were more than 40% off.  This contrasts strongly with the Obama administration where numbers were often revised downward.

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Consumer Confidence Soars

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As reported by the Conference Board the Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) jumped up 2.6 points to 137.9 in October. That is the highest level in 18 years.  The Conference Board noted:

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