The Wall

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The border wall has been in the news a lot lately since the Democrats refuse to allocate a single penny to protecting our southern border.  As a result, there has been a partial shutdown of the Federal Government, not that anybody has noticed except those who are now without paychecks.

There has been a lot of smoke generated about this issue.  The Dems will parade some illegal alien who just finished college as proof we should have open borders.  Of course this is a far cry from just a decade ago when the Dems were all in for protecting the border.

So what are the facts?  What won’t you hear from the MSM who automatically oppose anything that PDJT proposes?

As reported over at Turning Point USA:

FACT:  an illegal alien in Arizona is twice as likely to commit a crime as a natural-born citizen.

FACT:  90% of all heroin and fentanyl come across the southern border.

FACT:  Thousands of kids are sex trafficked across the southern border every year.

FACT:  There are 56,000 illegal aliens in our federal prison system and countless more in our state and local prisons.

FACT:  $135 Billion is the financial burden on US taxpayers every year for illegal aliens. Couldn’t this money be used from something else?

So, it appears that the Democrats support the importation of violent criminals into the country.  It appears that the Democrats believe that America needs more illegal drugs in our cities, in our towns, in our schools and in our homes.  These drugs are killing over 70,000 Americans every year. It certainly appears that the Democrats believe that sexual slavery is a good thing.  If they think that these things are not good, why would they oppose a wall to stop such activities?

Because they are hypocrites.  Because they cannot possibly allow an idea that a majority of Americans believe is necessary to be credited to PDJT.  Presidents, both Democrat and Republican, have talked about immigration reform over the last three decades.  None has delivered on any promises they made to the American people.

The border has been a sieve.  Crime rates in border states are much higher than they would be otherwise. PDJT is fighting for us and is delivering and, in doing so, is exposing the UniParty for the hypocrites that they are.

Why should we have a wall?  Not because we hate those who are not here.  But, because we love those who are.