BOOM!!!  Declassification Starts!

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Hat Tip…CTH

Friday will not be a slow news day this week.  After two years of being on the defensive while the Deep State and its political allies attempted to undermine his presidency, attempted to oust him and attempted to cover up the illegal activities of the Obama administration (Not. One. Single. Whisper. Of. Scandal.), PDJT is striking back.

PDJT and his wife visited the graves of some of our country’s heroes in Arlington cemetery during the day on Thursday.  President Trump paid his respects by placing American flags at several gravesites during an early Memorial Day visit to Arlington National Cemetery.  The President will be in Japan on a state visit on Memorial Day.

Trump and his wife, first lady Melania Trump, participated in a tradition known as “flags in.”  Every Thursday before the holiday, members of the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment, or the Old Guard, honor the nation’s fallen heroes by placing American flags at each service member’s headstone.

On Thursday evening PDJT honored their service and went after our country’s enemies dropping an MOAB on them.  He signed a declassification memo.  The process begins.

The full declassification memorandum is here.

I am sure that this announcement is what triggered Nancy Pelosi’s rants about intervention, prayer, cover-up, etc., earlier in the week.  And why she was having difficulty speaking.  Fear can do that to a person.  Her actions were probably a setup to call for a 25th Amendment removal.  She knew this was coming and wanted to get her story out before the announcement.

Speaker Pelosi, there is news about your request.  The Trump family heard you.  They conducted an intervention as you requested.  The cure is declassification.

I pray for PDJT and AG Barr.  I pray they are given the strength to make this happen. I pray that God surrounds Trump and Barr with legions of angels.  Now is the time when the devil and his agents and this country’s enemies will go all out to stop them.

It seems like a very long time ago PDJT said, “We are going to take our country back.”  Thursday marked a big step in that direction.

Once again President Trump has moved to see that he fulfilled his campaign pledge, “Promises Made, Promises Kept.”

The Storm Has Begun