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PDJT launched his 2020 re-election campaign in Orlando on Tuesday in front of the largest crowd ever at a Presidential campaign stop.  The energy in Orlando was incredible.  PDJT was really stoked.

The crowd was phenomenally supportive of the President.  MSNBC thought that this was not newsworthy and declined to cover the event.  CNN covered the event for 6 minutes and then pulled their coverage when the crowd began chanting “CNN sucks.”  I suppose CNN did not want whatever viewers that CNN has left to be hearing that. Of course, this undoubtedly caused some CNN viewers to switch to other sources for coverage.  Others in MSM land called the rally “stale” and a rerun of 2016.  Clearly this was scripted to play down the grassroots energy that was present.

In this age of live streaming, such attempts by the “progressive” networks to deceive the people fail.  There were a considerable number of live feeds over the Internet.  The number of people logging into these various feeds was phenomenal.

PDJT has been a great President so far.  This infuriates the Democrats and their lapdogs in the MSM.   They were certain they would have brought PDJT down by now.  Those in the MSM discarded any semblance of objectivity long before PDJT was elected.  Once Trump was elected, they dropped any pretense about their bias.

The Democrats have failed in their attempt to execute a coup to remove PDJT from office.  Now the Democrats are desperately trying to start a war or cause a depression. Witness elite Democrats (Kerry, Obama, et al) traveling around the world and telling regimes like Iran to hang tough.  Only by damaging this country do they hope to dupe enough people into voting for their Communist (Democratic Socialism) repression.  The peace and prosperity brought by PDJT must be destroyed to enable them to gain full control over the country.

The Democrats’ definition of being open-minded has “evolved.”  According to them being open-minded means that one supports the removal of the President “by any means necessary.”  If you equivocate on this or, God forbid, you actually support what he is doing, you will be immediately slammed as being a “deplorable,” a racist, a homophobe, a sexist, etc.  They are trying to shame people into voting for them.  The picture below shows some of the people that the Democrats believe are deplorables.

Coverage within the MSM reflects this.  Recent stats on coverage of the President show that 92% of it is negative. This is a conscious decision of these people to do this.  They believe in Adolf Hitler’s approach to controlling the populace. Tell a lie over and over and eventually people will begin to believe it.  This is the strategy of the Democratic lapdogs in the MSM.

One can see this in the polls conducted by various MSM outlets regarding Russian collusion.  Despite the fact that no evidence exists, about one third of the US population believe it happened and PDJT should be impeached because of it.  No rational person pays attention to these propaganda outlets anymore.

How has this affected PDJT?  Well, he seems like Rocky Balboa in the various Rocky movies that were made.  No matter how many times he is hit, he keeps on coming.  No matter what lies they tell about him and his family, he keeps working to make America better.  No matter what they do, he keeps standing up for America and its values.  His love for America is obvious to any sentient person watching.

His approval rating started out in the 30+% range when he was inaugurated. And just like Rocky, the longer he hangs in there, the more popular he becomes.  Today his approval rating stands at about 50%.  This is much higher than Obama at the same point in his first term. And Obama had a fawning press to help him.

RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel notes,

“The enthusiasm across the country for this President is unmatched and unlike anything we’ve ever seen!”

Just wait until declassification starts and indictments begin to roll in on those who conspired to take down the President.  Certain talking heads on certain networks who are former federal officials should be hard at work trying to devise the legal strategies that might reduce their jail time.

Time to buy some popcorn.