Red Flag Warning

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Professor William Jacobson had an interesting piece last week in which he made the point that “The investigators need to be investigated.” In that piece he addressed the utmost priority need for an investigation into the attempted coup.  In his piece Professor Jacobson noted,

Whether Robert Mueller was a mere figurehead or in control, he was a participant. So while he was a sorry figure in the congressional hearings, and his appearance did substantial damage to Democrat and media plans, the gravity of what happened should not be lessened. It almost worked.

The media, of course, was a full participant in what happened. Just when you thought the major organizations who control almost all of popular and social media couldn’t get any worse, they do (emphasis added).  This all takes place while high tech companies put the thumb on the scale by penalizing non-liberal content.

On Saturday it got worse.  MSNBC host Donnie Deutsch went completely off the rails.  Now one might wonder how off the rails this was since, by most objective standards, MSNBC has been off the rails in their reporting because of their all-consuming hatred of PDJT.  But, even using the previous level of biased reporting on MSNBC as a reference point, this was way beyond that.

Deutsch declared that “we” (presumably the Democrats and their media allies) “are at war” and “should do whatever we have to do.”  This is a horrific statement.  Just what new things would that be?  Already it is dangerous for people who are not supporters of the left to express their disagreement in public.  There are hundreds of documented cases across the country of physical violence against conservatives and Trump supporters.  The wearing of a red hat can make you a target of completely unhinged violence.

Now Deutsch, a host on a major network, is declaring “war” on a duly-elected sitting president and effectively stating that there are no rules, no laws, nothing too extreme in the effort to remove him from office and send him to prison.  Anything goes in trying to take down PDJT.

Just what is anything?  Wednesday’s fiasco in Congress exposed the attempted coup for all the world to see. Is this rant by Deutsch part of the Democratic response trying to recover from this?

There are sections of some cities, particularly in the west, where a non-liberal would risk serious bodily harm if they were identified as such.  In Portland, Oregon, certain streets downtown belong to Antifa.  Was this rant by Deutsch a call to step up these violent tactics?  What other tactics did Deutsch have in mind?  Are the Democrats trying to foment a civil war so that they can say “See, Trump is evil”?

Keep in mind that Deutsch has been quoted as saying that he does not believe that any of the current contenders for the Democratic nomination can beat PDJT in 2020.  This harangue of his appears to be a dangerous unhinged response to that fact. In fact, I would call it a red flag.  Is it time for the Secret Service to pay Mr. Deutsch a visit?