Trump Is A Racist

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It is absolutely amazing how often the lie that PDJT is a racist is told by the Democrats and the media.  In the two days following his tweet about the “Communist Four” (AOC, Omar, Tlaib and Pressley), MSNBC repeated this lie more than 600 times. CNN did so more than 400 times. There was nothing racist at all about what he said.

One has to have a serious case of TDS (at least Stage 3) to “see” racism in this tweet.

The media and the Democrats again erupted in charges of racism when PDJT tweeted about Elijah Cummings (D-MD) and his crime-infested, rat-infested district.

Speaker Pelosi (D-CA) called this a “racist” attack on Cummings.  How warped and deranged does one have to be in order to find racism in this tweet?

The city of Baltimore is in total decay. It’s not safe. The deputy police commissioner was recently mugged there.  Make a wrong turn and go two blocks in the wrong direction and you might never be heard from again.  There are rats everywhere.

It’s a corrupt city. A documentary called Rat Film was released two years ago that exposed this issue.  Baltimore, Maryland has the unenviable title of being the Murder Capital of the US.  In 2017, The City recorded 343 homicides, an all-time high, which translated to 56 murders per 100,000 people.

Sen. Bernie Sanders and former President Barack Obama noted Baltimore’s decaying state. Does this make them racists?

PDJT’s tweet isn’t racist. It expresses a fact. It’s a Democrat-run city (more than 50 years with a string of black politicians recently) that’s only getting worse. No one cared about it.  But now, because PDJT has connected Baltimore to the Representative in the House whose district it is, all of a sudden the city is fine and PDJT is a racist for attacking a man of color. It’s pathetic. It’s transparent. It’s typical Trump Derangement Syndrome.

PDJT’s statements are labeled as racist because this is all the Democrats have. They have no agenda any sane person can support.  They need to denigrate and smear the President and all who support him just to keep the chance alive that they can return to controlling Congress and the White House.  God help us if they succeed.

The Democrats want to claim that if someone with brown skin hates America, it’s racist to tell them they should leave. The truth is that the real racist is the person deciding what is permissible to be said based solely on the color of a person’s skin.

Free speech is a bedrock principle of this country.  One might not always like or agree with what’s said, but to try to silence someone by calling them a racist violates the very liberties that all Americans enjoy.

The media, along with their political allies, sling the BS that “people of color” need to be propped up, that they cannot succeed on their own — while white people are a disease and deserve to be knocked down (unless they are Democrats, of course). This is what they are teaching our children. What is the underlying message that “children of color” are receiving from this?  Do they receive a message that they are not as capable, that they cannot succeed without special help?

The media insist that these people need special attention and programs and help that’s just for them.  They use “white” as some kind of a bad word while promoting “people of color” identity supremacy as a virtuous and progressive leap forward. It’s in plain sight. It happens all day, every day.  It happens across almost all of the MSM, entertainment, and academia.

One should not have to pull punches when you disagree with someone who happens to have a skin tone different from yours. The media and Democrats say otherwise.  By definition this makes them the racists.

1 thought on “Trump Is A Racist


    Television and Radio stations and their networks are licensed by the Federal communication Commission, which is an agency of The Executive Branch.

    Time to look into their license ?????????

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