Investigating Corruption Is An Impeachable Offense

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Hat Tip…mopar

Pelosi says that any effort by a Republican administration to investigate prior political corruption is an impeachable offense.  Speaker Pelosi released a document on Monday with all sorts of lurid headlines like “the Shakedown” and “The Cover Up”.  This document would make the National Enquirer proud.  The essence of this document is that investigating prior political corruption committed by Democrats is not permitted.

Why?  Because Pelosi knows that, even if only a small bit of the pile of dung that was the corrupt efforts of the Democrats during the 2016 election is exposed to sunlight, the Democrats’ chances of being a viable political entity in this country would be destroyed for decades.  The Democrats are frantic in their attempts to squash any investigation because they know just how bad the corruption was.  This was corruption they expected to get away with since HRC was a shoo-in for the Presidency.

This document essentially says that the legislative branch is assuming the responsibilities of the executive by telling the executive what can and cannot be investigated and prosecuted.  Where is the Separation of Powers?

By following this “strategy,” Pelosi is admitting to the American public that the Democrats did indeed engage in corrupt activities during the 2016 election cycle.  The amount of corruption must be monumental based on the frenetic activities the Dems are engaging in.  She putting this out now in another attempt to deflect the public’s attention away from the impending release of the IG’s report on the FISA abuse.

As Diamond and Silk say: They smear him because they fear him.  As PDJT said last week,

This has been going on since PDJT was inaugurated.  It’s time to call this what it is.  Besides being an ongoing coup to overthrow the government of the Unites States, this is slander, plain and simple.  Pelosi knows that the items listed are not true.  Pelosi has willfully ignored that and publishes these false “facts.”  Pelosi is intentionally doing this to damage the reputation of the President, the Vice-President and the Secretary of State.  She is doing this to convince the public that all of them are corrupt along with AG Barr.

These are some seriously sick, scared and corrupt spawn of Satan!!! These people are robbing us blind and laughing at us.  They will do anything to gain power.  They need to be destroyed politically once and for all, so that their kind can never rise again!!!