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After the “storming” of the Capitol Building on January 6th, the media has treated the country to story after story about insurrection, coup d’etat, and rioting.  Of course, as usual the media had a narrative they wanted to push and it had little connection to the real facts on the ground.  Those who would permanently control the power in this country may have realized that their hold over Americans is tenuous at best.

When the narrative quickly lost steam due in no small part to the hundreds of thousands of peaceful protesters who were actually present in Washington on January 6th, they switched gears.  The story that was pushed was that pro-Trump supporters were going to disrupt the inauguration of America’s first pretend President as well as bringing chaos to the capitol cities of states across the country.  More than once the FBI was quoted as being in possession on credible evidence of potential right-wing violence.

How did work out?  In Washington, 25,000 troops guarded 100,000 US flags on the National Mall.  The flags were apparently made in China.  Where were the people who “elected” Joe Biden by the “most votes in history?”   Somewhere between a half a million and a million people showed up on January 6th in Washington to support PDJT and to protest the fraudulent election.  Where were Joe Biden’s people?

Where were the people who would disrupt the inauguration?  So just how credible was the FBI evidence?  The FBI has a big credibility problem from their actions against PDJT.  Are they now lying about evidence of right-wing conspiracies?  Little surprises me anymore except for the extent of evil that exists in Washington DC.

While Washington escaped the violence, riots did erupt in cities across the country.  These were truly riots with buildings being vandalized, windows smashed, graffiti sprayed on buildings and fires being set.  Portland, Seattle and Denver were just a few of the cities under siege.  And were the Proud Boys responsible?  No.  Were other right-wing groups responsible?  No.  It was Antifa.

This was Portland.  But let’s remember.  According to China Joe, Antifa is
“just an idea.”

According the Kamala Harris, these are just peaceful protesters.  Therefore, these riots are good.

Seattle was another site of “peaceful protesting.”  Antifa rioters burned flags and wreaked havoc on businesses in Pike Place Market, a popular tourist attraction in the city’s downtown. Some carried banners calling for the abolition of “ICE, cops, prisons, borders, and presidents.”

Apparently Antifa is an idea so powerful that it smashes windows just by thinking about it.  Police in Seattle apparently arrested a few people in connection with the ongoing property damage all across the area.  Do not hold your breath about them ever seeing the inside of a courtroom.

Is this the beginnings of another round of rioting and looting in cities across the country?  Last summer, violent Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioters inflicted more than $2 billion in damages on businesses, churches, federal buildings, and other downtown structures in some of many cities. This was triggered by the death of George Floyd who died of a drug overdose while police were trying to save his life.  Through arson, looting, vandalism, and other crimes, rioters brought damage to more than 20 states, leaving at least 30 people dead in their wake.

How many of these criminals have been brought to justice?  How will our pretend President react to all of this?  Just where is his “mandate” to govern?