Random Thoughts

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Breitbart reports that our pretend President went to Walter Reed hospital on Friday to visit some of the wounded members of the Armed Forces.

Biden noted,

“These kids are amazing. And thank God there’s not as many people to visit.”

I’m sure God was in the mix but the primary reason that there are not many to visit is President Trump not starting any new wars while he was in office.  I wonder how long that will last.

How long will it be before Trader Joe finds it necessary to start a war somewhere to pay off campaign contributions from the military-industrial complex.  Biden has already sent additional troops into Syria during his first few days in office. How soon will Biden be sending other people’s children off to foreign lands to be killed and maimed over things that have nothing to do with the national security of America?

The fearless Dr. Fauci has been in the news again.  I guess Fauci just misses the attention he was getting last year.

The Gateway Pundit reports that, on January 25th, Fauci called for Americans to wear two face masks to help stop the spread of coronavirus.  On January 31st, Fauci backtracked on the idiotic idea of wearing multiple masks.

Dr. Fauci has been a study in contradictions over mask usage.

On March, 8 2020 — Dr. Anthony Fauci advised healthy Americans against wearing face masks.

In April 2020 — The CDC said Americans should be wearing face masks for the COVID.

In May 2020 — Dr. Anthony Fauci and the New England Journal of Medicine have admitted that masks are little more than symbols.

Has anyone checked the results of Dr. Fauci’s cognitive facilities test?

It’s a miracle.  Only 23 Americans tested positive for the flu last week.  This compares to over 14,000 cases in the same week last year.  In August the CDC reported that only 6% of all deaths classified as coronavirus deaths actually died from virus rather than with the virus.  This would make the current death toll FROM the virus about 27,000 not 450,000.

Ever get the feeling that the government is lying to you for one reason or another?  COVID-19 is just an excuse to take away freedoms and liberties under the guise of protecting public health.

One often wonders about these people in Washington who are displaying such corrupt actions.  Each swears an oath to uphold the Constitution, etc.  Obviously this means little to those who then feed at the public trough for their benefit.

Perhaps this picture says it all.


For those who put a lot of faith what the media puts out, ponder on this.

Why are National Guard troops still arriving in DC?

Just why is our nation’s capital being turned into an armed fortress?  Why weren’t these troops used to protect our cities during the summer?  Is Antifa getting ready to burn Washington to the ground?

The bricks are ready.