And So It Continues

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The political elite desperately need something to distract the public from the ongoing investigations and audits of the 2020 election fraud.  As I mentioned yesterday, they need a new scariant.  They need the public to focus on something other than election fraud.  The Delta variant appears to be the current scariant of choice here.  In the UK the Lambda variant is getting a lot of scary press.

Last week France came out and announced a “sanitation passport” would be needed for any French citizen to engage in almost all forms of social life like shopping, eating at restaurants, movie theaters, or events where crowds were present.  There has been some backlash.  However, the socialist countries that make up the EU are determined to control their populations. Italy has now decided to follow the French lead.

Going forward Italian citizens must have a “green pass” in order to participate in everyday life.  Without the pass Italian citizens and visitors will not be allowed to eat at restaurants, attend theaters, or go anywhere any size crowd might be assembled.

Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi said “calls for people not to get vaccinated is a call for people to die. If you don’t vaccinate, you get sick, you die or you let other people die”, in his effort to use political and social peer pressure to gain vaccination compliance.

This is awfully similar to statements that the Avatar in the White House made recently when he claimed that Big Tech was “killing people” by failing to censor information on the Internet about the experimental mRNA drug therapies being touted as “vaccines.”

All of this ignores the problems with the “vaccines” where tens of thousands of people have died and where many others have suffered horrendous side effects.

I believe this is a harbinger of things to come here in America.  Already we are seeing some resumption of mask mandates and other “mitigation measures” in some of our bluest states.  None of these measures have had any hope in stopping the virus.  This is provable by looking at graphs of different states and countries.  The progress of the virus has been the same everywhere albeit with different time frames.

The most disturbing part to me is that there are very effective therapeutic treatment options, Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), etc.  However, no one is allowed to mention them. America is well into being solidified as a fascist state where Big Pharma, Big Tech, other global corporations and their political allies are the rulers.  The people are no longer citizens but rather subjects.

Joe Biden’s puppeteers are some very nasty folks. What will they try next?  Will they try to coerce vaccination by saying that you will not be able to vote in 2022 if you are unvaccinated?  Will they try to shut down the country again next spring to try to eliminate PDJT’s effect at rallying the people?  They were successful once.  They will do it again if they can get away with it.

Is this quote from Revelations upon us?

“He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”