One Party Rule

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The Democrats believe that only one group should be allowed to conduct political discourse in this country.  Of course, that would be the Democrats.  If you disagree with any policy put forward by the Democrats, you are subject to being harassed, shamed and cancelled.  Over and over, Democrat lawmakers at all levels have demonstrated that their tolerance for speech with which they disagree does not exist.

Recently Democratic lawmakers in the Ohio legislature had a complete meltdown when Rep. Jena Powell offered an amendment to a bill that would have prohibited transgender athletes from competing on female teams.  The lawmakers screamed and pounded on their desks during Powell’s presentation.

This sounded a lot like an insurrection to me.  Perhaps Nancy Pelosi should appoint a committee to get to the bottom of this attack on democracy.

The Democrats’ theatrics failed and the proposal was adopted.

In Congress, Rep. Bob Good (R-VA) was called a racist for opposing Critical Race Theory being taught to our children in the public schools.

The Blaze reported:

The slanderous accusation was hurled at Good as he questioned Education Secretary Miguel Cardona about critical race theory and aspects of the New York Times’ heavily criticized “1619 Project” being taught in schools. While Good was speaking, someone shouted “racist!” and New Jersey Democratic Rep. Donald Norcross’ screen appeared.

Good continued to speak, seemingly unaware of the interruption. He pressed Cardona on whether the Biden administration planned to “nationalize a culture war that started in Virginia,” referring to Tuesday’s raucous Loudoun County school board meeting where an “unlawful assembly” was declared and one man was arrested after a huge crowd of parents protested the “indoctrination” of their children.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) issued the following statement recently:

“I look around the country and I see a move over the years away from what used to be a defining American trait, which is toleration. Our founding fathers talked about the toleration for the views of others, especially for different religious creeds. But the Left is no longer content with toleration, by any means. They’re really not even content with acceptance. They want to demand celebration [of] their views about gender and race. They want to force them on the entire country.”

I wholeheartedly agree with Sen. Cotton.  Not only is there no toleration for differing views, but increasingly there are coordinated efforts to silence anyone who dares to speak out against Democratic talking points.  They will smear them with terms like racist or try to get them fired from their jobs if they can.

For this administration Authoritarian is their middle name.  The Democrats are trying to turn the country into a fascist state like we saw with Germany under Hitler and Italy under Mussolini.

People need to continue to stand up and call out this evil for what it is.