Odds & Ends, Mostly COVID

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You won’t see this in the NYTimes.  Look Ahead America’s (LAA) Executive Director Matt Braynard has announced that they have discovered at least 157,299 illegal ballots cast in the Wisconsin presidential election.

The amount of ballots that they believe to have been illegally cast is about eight times the 20,000 vote margin of victory in the election.

It’s no wonder that Twitter shut down the audit account in Wisconsin.  Can’t have the public finding out just how egregious the election fraud was.

Fox News reporter Peter Doocy on Tuesday grilled Press Secretary Jen Psaki over the new mask regulations for vaccinated people.

Officials told Reuters the CDC will recommend fully vaccinated Americans wear masks indoors.

“If vaccines work, which this signs says that they do, then why do people who have the vaccine now need to wear masks?” Peter Doocy asked.

Psaki’s answer made no sense whatsoever.

“Because the public health leaders in our administration have made the determination based on data, that that is a way to make sure they are protected, their loved ones are protected and that’s an extra step given the transmissibility of the virus,” Psaki said.

In other words, the vaccines don’t work and a cloth mask is more effective.  This is how stupid this is getting.

This is supposed to be the output of science.

It is really about training Americans to be subservient to anyone in power.  Hitler must be smiling.

The CDC recently came out and announced that everyone should wear masks in enclosed spaces when others are present.  In a separate announcement the CDC also stated that the cloth masks that almost everyone uses to “stop the spread” are not effective against wildfire smoke.

As Alexander Markovic notes:

As the smallest smoke particle’s size is at least four times greater than the CCP-virus a mask that provides little protection against smoke particles provides less from the CCP-virus.

This is just how stupid the various mask mandates are.

Another COVID hypocrisy surfaced in Pennsylvania yesterday.

The Biden Administration, Nancy Pelosi, the CDC and “scientific establishment” have re-instituted a new indoor national mask mandate that everyone is expected to abide by.

After Biden was jeered and the recipient of various middle finger salutes while traveling to a manufacturing plant, he met with a crowd of people at the plant.  Notice anything missing?

Even Biden’s Secret Service detail do not have masks on.  They all know the mask narrative is a fraud.

President Joe Biden will announce on Thursday a requirement that all federal employees and contractors be vaccinated against Covid-19, or be required to submit to regular testing and mitigation requirements, according to a source with direct knowledge of the matter.

All of this push is an effort by those in power to see if they put the jackboot on people’s neck enough that the people will then submit to any decree from the government.

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