Angry And Concerned

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After the verdict was handed down in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, an official statement was issued by “President” Biden.  In it he expressed that he was feeling angry and concerned over the verdict.  For anyone who may have been on a different planet on Friday, Rittenhouse was acquitted on all charges.  This was based on the overwhelming evidence that Kyle acted in self-defense.  Much of the evidence supporting this claim was supplied by prosecution witnesses.  This acquittal occurred despite the attempts by Democratic foot soldiers to try to intimidate the judge, jury and defense counsel.

So why was “President” Biden feeling “angry and concerned?”

Was it because last summer the mayor of Kenosha had ordered the police to stand down and let thugs, criminals and other assorted riffraff burn down sections of Kenosha?

Was it because the governor of Wisconsin had elected not to send in the National Guard to preserve order?

Was it because various political leaders like Joe Biden in cities and states across the country had elected to stand down and permit violence in the form of rioting, looting, arson, mayhem and murder to escalate the 2020 summer?

Was the mindless wonder who inhabits the White House “angry and concerned” because the media had tried to transform an incident that occurred between four white men and a white teenager into a racist event in order to further foment racial division in the country?

I admit that I was angry and concerned when these events were occurring during the 2020 summer.  However, we all know that the answer to the above questions for Joe Biden is a resounding “No!”  Chaos raging across the country was supposed to create a tsunami of pleadings from the populace for the government to step in and control things.  This was part and parcel of the Democratic strategy to “win” the election in 2020.

Was Avatar Joe “angry and concerned” that a malicious prosecution was instigated against a teenager who was acting as a good citizen by cleaning up graffiti from previous nights of rioting, who was offering aid to those who needed it and who was helping to protect property in Kenosha?

Was Biden “angry and concerned” because the prosecutors engaged in highly unethical conduct in bringing the charges and then in keeping exculpatory evidence from the defense.  This is the so-called Brady material that every defendant in the country has a right to (except, apparently, those who trespassed in the Capitol on January 6th).

Was President Avatar “angry and concerned” because the prosecutors called Rittenhouse an active shooter and labeled his attackers as heroes for attempting to cause great bodily harm to Kyle when they knew that just the opposite was true?

Was he “angry and concerned” that ADA Binger regularly ignored standard rules of court proceedings and judge’s rulings to further advance this malicious prosecution?

Was he “angry and concerned” that MSNBC had sent a reporter to follow the juror’s bus in an attempt to uncover the identities of the jurors so that further pressure could be brought on the jury to convict?

Again, the answer to all of the above questions is a resounding “No!”  Weaponization of the media and the criminal justice system against people who think differently or who are of a different political ideology is OK within the fantasy bubble that the Demo-communists labor within.

So what was Dementia Joe “angry and concerned” about?

Was it that the ongoing attempts by the Left to weaken the Second Amendment took a major hit with this sham of a prosecution?

Was he “angry and concerned” because a judge and 12 Americans stood up to immense pressure and acquitted an individual whose life and well-being were clearly threatened?

Was he “angry and concerned” because this verdict showed that well-intentioned, good people are allowed to stand up and protect the innocent from mayhem and destruction?

Was he “angry and concerned” because hundreds of thousands of Americans across the country cheered when the just and fair verdict based on the evidence was announced?

Was he “angry and concerned” that such a reaction demonstrated that, as VP Harris intoned, the Demo-communists have a lot more work to do in brainwashing the public into accepting government pronouncements without reservation?

Was Biden “angry and concerned” because someone told him to be?

I think the answer to all of the above questions is “Yes!”  The Left is “angry and concerned” because a roadblock to their taking over the country has appeared.  They know that without disarming the public, they can never have the kind of control that they lust after.

Thank you, jurors in Kenosha, for a fair verdict.  Thank you, Judge Schroeder, for conducting a fair trial.  Thank you to all of you who contributed to Kyle Rittenhouse’s defense fund.