Bits & Pieces

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Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said Tuesday he will formally seek to strip the Walt Disney Co. of its self-governing status after it publicly bashed the Sunshine State’s anti-grooming law.  Potential termination of all special districts that were announced in Florida prior to 1968 would be reviewed by the legislature.

Many families across the country are re-considering the Disney company for family activities.  This is due in part to Disney’s stated intentions of including “queerness” (their statement not mine) as much as possible in children’s programming.

It should be broadcast from the rooftops that Disney is no longer a family-friendly destination.  Their transformation has been going on for years.  Disney through their programming rejects a Christian worldview of the family and of human sexuality.  Is this the reason that they are so vigorously working against Florida’s anti-grooming law?

Another life snuffed out by the the jab posing as a vaccine.  A young girl from Londrina, Paraná, Brazil died four days after being forced to take the Covid-19 shot.

Izabella da Silva, 11 years old, died on April 8 after she took the experimental “vaccine.” According to State Deputy Ricardo Arruda, the school pressured and threatened the young girl.

The school reportedly told Silva that a complaint will be filed against her parents to the Guardianship Council, and she would be removed from them if she won’t take the vaccine.

Izabella took the vaccine on April 4. She began to experience severe headaches a few days later and died on April 8.

When will this madness end?  Oh, BTW, sue the school.

The insanity of this administration continues.  Gas prices are at record highs having leveled off at over $4 per gallon.  Almost all of this increase came before Russia invaded Ukraine.

Energy costs that are killing the US economy are the result.  Now the White House is proposing new energy taxes. This will further kill the economy but they don’t seem to care how much pain they bring to the American public.

All of this is the result of a stolen election.

From Don Surber:

Free speech is the foundation of freedom. We must treasure the ability to say the emperor is naked when he is naked. Heck, you can call the emperor naked when he has clothes on for all I care.

We do not have free speech in this country. Teachers must call bratty teenagers by whatever pronoun passes through their heads today. Moms must be called birthing persons. And I pity the fool on a newscast who describes a suspect on the loose as black, as we saw in New York’s subway shooting.
