Viva Giorgia Meloni

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Italy has a new face at the top of its politics: Her name is Giorgia Meloni and she’s set to become prime minister. For those who may have missed it, Meloni’s party won Italy’s recent elections.  This happened despite the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, threatening the Italian people if they elected the “wrong” candidate.

Meloni is the head of a center-right coalition that will rule the country.  However, if you listen to the usual bobbleheads on the propaganda media outlets, Meloni is a direct descendent of Mussolini himself.  According to them fascism is descending on the country.

Meloni is Italy first just as Trump is America first.  Meloni is outspoken and combative.  She won by speaking the plain truth to the people.  Her victory signals a watershed moment for Europe and one that could have ripple effects across the 27-nation bloc.  To categorize her as fascist is ludicrous.  However, when the Left loses elections, this is what they resort to, name-calling.

Meloni gave a speech at the World Congress of Families in 2019.  On Wednesday, YouTube decided to censor her and removed the speech.  Think about that.  The newly elected Prime Minister of Italy is censored by Big Media.  Sound familiar?  The whole point of her speech was that being pro-family, pro-Christian, and pro-country instills in the political class and media a visceral fear.

And they do fear her.  Hungary and Poland have elected similar governments.  While the EU does not like this, both countries are relatively small economies in the EU.  The same cannot be said of Italy.  Italy ranks third in the EU.  Putting one’s country ahead of EU wishes is a definite no-no.

This is part of the speech that is now being censored that she gave in 2019.

Does she remind you of anybody?  This is also why they fear her.  She is awakening the slumbering majority in Italy.