Civil War

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Are the Democrats trying to start a civil war?  Joe Biden’s speech at Independence Hall in Philadelphia characterized half the country as domestic terrorists because they disagree with his policies.  They are facing the prospect of catastrophic losses in the mid-terms.  They have no agenda to run on except that they like to murder babies.  A civil war would give them the opportunity to cancel elections and impose martial law.

What is the cause of all this?  Joe Biden is the worst president in US history!  As Jim Hoft notes:

  • Inflation is at 40 YEAR HIGHS — and it is NOT receding!
  • Gas Prices are the highest they have ever been — And this is a direct result of his anti-energy policies.
  • Joe Biden surrendered Afghanistan to the Taliban and armed them with $80 billion in US arms – Including 600,000 weapons and 200 aircraft!
  • The Biden regime KNEW there was an Islamist bomber in the crowd at the Kabul Airport but did nothing. This cost 13 young American lives!
  • The Islamist bomber was released from Bagram prison after Joe Biden abandoned the important US asset.
  • Joe Biden declared open war on his political opposition.
  • Joe Biden and his Stasi FBI are raiding homes of political opponents on misdemeanor charges.
  • Joe Biden opened the border to 2 million illegal aliens this year!
  • Joe Biden allowed tons of illegal drugs entry into the country via the open border causing over 100,000 annual deaths!
  • Joe Biden pushed the US economy into recession in 18 short months and it’s about to get worse, a lot worse!
  • Joe Biden’s foreign policy is going to destroy Europe and could launch a nuclear war with Russia.

Biden with his speech and other Democrats are openly calling for violence against those who disagree with them.  Attacks on conservatives and people who love this country are escalating.  Could the following excerpts from various bobbleheads in the media and idiot politicians have anything to do with this?

The Democrats are calling for a civil war in this country against those who believe in freedom, liberty and self reliance.  Biden is the cognitively impaired maestro who is attempting to cause this to happen.