Questions For The FAA

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Our long nightmare with COVID and all its ancillary operations needs to be exposed to a lot of sunlight.  For way too long, our media and some elected politicians have kept the lid on the truth.   They have not permitted the public to see what the real facts were.  We need a national conversation led by investigators unbridled by anything but the truth.  We need a robust debate about the future of this country without corrupt politicians screaming that “democracy is ending.”

This is a first in a series that will address questions that need to be asked of the appropriate parties.  It seems that the Select Committee on the Weaponization of Federal Agencies might be a good place to start.  However, there are many other federal agencies under the purview of different House committees where such questions could be asked.  It is now time for such questions to asked in public.

In the October 2022 version of the FAA Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners, the FAA quietly widened the EKG parameters for pilots beyond the normal range. And they didn’t widen the range by a little. They widened it by a lot.  It was done after the vaccine rollout.

Was this an admission by our government via the offices of the FAA that the mRNA jab damaged the hearts of commercial pilots?  How many pilot’s hearts were damaged via the coerced jabbing with the mRNA therapies?  It should be remembered that, back then, the Biden administration was threatening the airlines with the loss of federal dollars if all pilots were not jabbed.

Steve Kirsch noted this about cardiologist Thomas Levy’s article:

Basically, the vaccines are causing heart injury in at least 2.8% of people who get the shot. So 7M Americans now have hearts damaged by the COVID vaccine. He admits the number could be over 100M. The fact that the FAA *quietly* changed the EKG parameters for pilots suggests that the vaccine is causing a huge number of pilots to fail their screening. This is a tacit admission of a huge problem.

From Thomas Levy’s article:

In a recent Swiss study yet to be published at the time of this writing, troponin levels were measured on 777 hospital employees who received a booster injection after having received two shots previously. On the third day after the booster, troponin levels above the upper limits of normal were seen in 2.8% of those subjects. By the next day, half of the elevated troponin levels had come back into the normal range. Longer-term follow-up data was not available.

This study raises more questions than it answers. What would the troponin levels have been at one day post-injection? Did the troponin levels still elevated at day four post-injection resolve completely? If so, how long did that take to occur? Rather than be concerned that some myocardial damage was done by the vaccine, which is openly acknowledged in the study, it is dismissed as being of no importance since half of the elevated troponins resolved 24 hours later.

And, as with all of the current papers downplaying the significance of any vaccine side effect, however significant, the authors always conclude that the vaccine is doing much more good than harm without any further qualification as to why such a conclusion is valid.

So, the first question for the FAA is why did they make the change?  This needs to be asked in public under oath.  My guess is that too many pilots would have been grounded.  This would have severely disrupted commercial aviation in this country.  It would have caused the “safe and effective” narrative about the mRNA jab that the government has been spinning to unravel faster.

Next, what percentage of pilots would have failed the FAA screening under the old guidelines?  The Epoch Times is indicating that a recent study is showing over 20% for pilots.

Next, how has this compromised airline passengers’ safety?  There have been numerous reports of pilots collapsing, passing out and dying while in their planes.

Isn’t the job of the FAA to protect the traveling public and not Big Pharma?

What subject matter experts (SMEs) did the FAA consult with before making this change?

Assuming that the FAA did consult with SMEs before making the change, what are all the affiliations of these SMEs?  What connections did these SMEs have with Big Pharma?

Was any public notice given of the pending change BEFORE such change was scheduled for inclusion in the FAA Guide?  Were independent SMEs not affiliated with the FAA or any other government agency given an opportunity to weigh in on the proposed change?

What are the past affiliations of the FAA individuals who were responsible for making the decision to change this within the FAA Guide?

Why is the FAA not investigating incidents affecting the health of pilots and flight attendants that appear to be connected to the administration of the mRNA jab?

What process does the FAA have in place to receive reports of potential vaccine injury to airline flight personnel?  If such a system exists, how has the FAA made airline flight personnel aware of this reporting system?

These are all questions that FAA officials should be required to answer in public under oath.

It is time for the American public to demand that their elected representatives in Congress obtain answers to these questions.

These questions should be sent to every House member and every Senator.  It is time for the cleansing rays of sunshine to make an appearance in Washington.

Steve Kirsch’s article can be found here.