You Will Eat Bugs

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Neil Oliver hits another home run.  Oliver’s weekend monologue on the BBC discusses the classic “bait-and-switch” tactic that the Davos crowd at the World Economic Forum use to cram communism down our throats.  Let’s be reminded that the goal of the WEF is total control over the peasants (that’s you and me).


You’ll have heard of the old bait and switch.  It’s a type of a fraud where a company advertises one thing, something that seems highly desirable which is the bait.  But when a mug actually makes a purchase, they get sold something else entirely, something they wouldn’t have wanted in a million years. That’s the switch.

You see on offer for a luxury coat at a knock down price.  When you try and buy it, you’re told they’re all sold out.  But here’s one at twice the price.  That’s bait and switch.  And it’s illegal.  

Bait and switches are all around us.  Insects and food.  Remember when told there’s a fly in my soup was the start of a joke? Well, no, the joke is well and truly on us.  And the flies aren’t just in the soup.  They’ll be in the bread and all the rest.

They tell us we can save the planet by not eating meat.  That’s the bait.  They push plant-based foods and tell us that they’re the healthier option anyway even though anyone who’s looked at the ingredients on the side of a pack vegan sausages knows you need a chemistry degree to decipher them.

And then there’s the bugs.  Eat crickets.  The Hollywood a—listers tell us it’s better for the environment.  But replacing other sources of protein with crickets means a lot of crickets.  It’s been estimated that it takes 363,000 crickets to match the calorie count of just one cow.  

We eat billions of land animals and trillions of sea animals every year.  Stop all that and it’s going to take a lot of sheds full of a lot of crickets.  Just think of the energy needed to breed and keep all those insects.  Maybe think about the genetic modification and stop to wonder about some of the viruses and diseases insects carry, which could all go wrong.

Has there been anything in the last few years that went wrong in the area of genetic modification?  I seem to remember a virus that originated in a lab that resulted in most of the world being locked down for extended periods of time.  That was all about “saving the world and grandma at the same time.”  That was the bait.  The switch was the loss of God-given freedoms for us all.  The public was conditioned to accept the loss of individual liberties as the price for doing this

And yet still the beat is that a third of a million bugs are preferable to one grass-fed cow.  And anyway, if crickets are, let’s say, safe and effective, why not just tell us what goes into them? Why turn them into powder and slip them into the food supply under a Latin name no one understands? Tell the truth out there in the light where everyone can see it.

Safe and effective?  Where have I heard that beat before?  No one should ever again take such a statement at face value from any government official.  How many millions of lives will be forfeit to that rubric?

The EU have passed legislation to have crickets cooked into powder and added to all manner of foods.  In the EU’s own legislation, the list is long.  Everything from cereal and bread to meat, cheese, beer and sweets.

Even now, the presence of crickets won’t be obvious.  It won’t say crickets on the packaging.  It will say acheta domesticus is which is Latin for house cricket.  In the end, the bait and switch is in governments and corporations shouting from the rooftops they are working to save the planet and make us healthier.

But what do we end up with?  Food cut with insect powder we’re not supposed to notice.  I say the claim that any of this is to improve our health or save the planet is a fraud and a hoax.

I second the motion.  This is a fraud propped up by a lapdog media that refuses to look at any government claim with a skeptical eye.  All of the things that have made life longer and more enjoyable are now on the agenda to be axed.  It’s a fool’s errand to look around your house and try to find anything that does not depend on cheap, abundant energy.

Electric vehicles are another bait and switch.  There are an estimated 30 million fossil fuel cars in Britain. That’s not counting the trucks that move all the commodities. There’s a quarter of a million of those as well.

We’re invited to think that one fine day, every one of those dusty, old gas guzzlers will be replaced with a shiny new electric alternative.  Forget it.  That lofty notion is just the bait.  The switch is the reality.  Most of us won’t have any sort of car at all unless the demand for cars, any sort of cars dropped drastically.  There’s no way to hit the emissions targets our governments have loudly committed us to.  

That’s where the 15-minute cities come in.  We’ll be expected to walk or cycle.  Do you see the scam yet?  They advertise a world of electric cars. but what we’ll end up buying is lives lived on foot within 15 minutes of our homes.  

Round the corner from where I live, the council installed a rank of electric vehicle charging points.  The electricity in them is free at the moment, has been for months. Anyone who wants it could park up and charge their car for nothing.  I say free, but of course there’s no such thing as free. someone was paying. which is to say, the poor old council tax payers of Settling.

Those Teslas and the rest might as well have been taking the charge from the private home they were parked outside while the owner of the house footed bill.  But the whole stunt was more bait pushing that illusion that electric cars are the cheap option.   Next week those bays will start charging for the electricity.  There’s the switch.

And the cost of electricity is soaring.  And it is not due to the Ukraine-Russia war.  The war is just the shiny object to distract the public from the abomination that most western governments are.  Their primary purpose at this point is to subjugate the populations of western countries under the guise of saving the planet.

But the bait has gone bad.  More and more people smell something fishy and are waking up to the reality of electric vehicles.  It’s becoming hard to ignore that those massive batteries is full of lithium and cobalt obtained by ripping environments and destroying ecosystems.

The dirty work is done by the poorest of the poor children included scrabbling in the dirt with bare hands.  Those batteries, which are so wildly energy intensive to make and that can’t be recycled when they fail after 20 years, those batteries don’t like the cold, which is a bit of a bummer if you live in a country that actually has winter like here, for instance.

If the greens really understood what it takes to create this fossil-fuel-free utopia that they dream about, they would be appalled.  The greens say they are protecting the environment and preserving the planet.  Let them look at the mining operations for the ingredients necessary for these batteries and say that with a straight face.

In winter, those batteries lose up to half the charging capacity.  Oh, dear. What a pity. Never mind.  There’s that switch again. Second hand car dealers in the main won’t touch electric cars.  I wonder why.

You can’t make electric cars with renewable energy.  There’s literally not enough energy in it.  So it takes fossil fuels.  In Shanghai, where there’s been a large uptake of electric cars, the city’s charging points are powered by fossil fuels.  The air pollution in Shanghai is on the increase as a result.

Save the planet my backside.  By the time everyone wakes up, it will be too late.  And all the cars will be gone.  

That is the end purpose which is to get rid of automobiles.  Make people dependent on government-run transportation systems.  We all know how well Amtrak runs.  Autos allow people to be too independent of the government.  We cannot allow that in this advanced day and age.

America Is sitting on 8 million cubic tonnes of lithium.  The US actually led on the development of lithium mines until the 1990 when they were shut down.  The greens in the US, well-practiced in embarking upon ruinously expensive legal action, effectively banned lithium mining.  Now 80% of the world’s lithium is mined in Australia, Chile and China. China controls half of the world’s lithium production and three quarters of the world’s lithium battery factories.

Wherever it happens and however it’s done, mining of any sort is extraordinarily expensive, requires vast amounts of fossil fuel energy and inflicts catastrophic damage.  Renewable energy dependent upon the mining of rare metals and minerals like lithium, cobalt, copper, silver and a whole raft of others in mind boggling quantities can never be green.  Renewable energy’s appetites rape the planet every bit as enthusiastically as any other except nuclear, of course.

But we don’t talk about nuclear because greens don’t like the clean emissions-free energy that is nuclear. 

I say again, the only solution, the inevitable solution and the one we’re not supposed to know about yet is no cars.  They advertised green energy and electric cars. But what they’re selling is environmental damage, more billions for the super-rich, followed by no cars for us.  Bait and switch.

Under cover of all this, the fossil fuel industry will be dismantled and put away.  I see the day will come when we look over our shoulders and notice it’s gone.  By then, what will be obvious is that most us don’t have cars either.

Finally, we’ll ask how come my home is cold and yet I still don’t have an electric car? Back will come the reply, shut up and get in your place.  

And that is the ultimate goal.  The populace will be put in their place and be happy about.  You will own nothing and be happy.  The government will control access to everything.

And the mummy and daddy of all bait and switches comes with digital ID.  The bait is the well-tried one, which is convenience.  Such a tasty carrot.  The clock is already ticking on a government consultation exercise about the imposition of digital id.

If you haven’t noticed, it’s hardly surprising since the government hasn’t advertised what it’s up to.  We have until the 1st of March to go to a government website and make clear how much we feel about what is proposed.  If we do not object and in enough numbers, the proposals will become law by the end of the year and digital id will be real.  

As always, the large print giveth and the small print taketh away.  The bright and crunchy carrot of convenience will seek to reassure you that digital id will keep you safe and ensure your privacy.  The dark side, the enemy inside the trojan horse, is that every shred of your private data will be shared with any government agency and any so—called stakeholder that wants it.

Above all else, know that the new world into which we are sleepwalking is one of zero trust.  Zero trust is not my idea. it’s the official foundation of your future.  Zero trust means each one of us is regarded as a criminal until we can prove otherwise by exposing every scrap of our data.  We will be guilty until we prove our innocence. 

Bill Gates wants a world ID and an end to freedom everywhere.  Bill Gates’ foundation has increased its investment in digital ID projects and $200 million will go to “support data sharing systems” (read: spying on you) and interoperable payments systems (read: tracking what you buy).

Michael Rectenwald, author of Google Archipelago: The Digital Gulag and the Simulation of Freedom, noted:

“Of all the other means of identifying and tracking subjects, digital identity poses perhaps the gravest technological threat to individual liberty yet conceived. It has the potential to trace, track and surveil subjects and to compile a complete record of all activity, from cradle to grave.”

Neil Oliver continued:

To shop online, you’ll have to use your digital id to prove you are who you are. Just to read your email, to use online banking, even to open your computer will require your digital id.  You’ll be in digital jail until you open it with your digital key.

All of this can be connected to your carbon footprint and the rest of your social credit score. Make no mistake.  All of it is on the Chinese model that enables the state to watch, track, record everything you do and everywhere you go.  The cameras are already in place around us and in our phones and screens alongside the microphones that can listen.

All of this can be tied to a central bank, digital currency, not actual money you can hide under the mattress. Just a digital credit rating monitored before any and every transaction. Imagine a future where artificial intelligence watches as you try and charge your electric vehicle or put fuel in your old car and decides you’ve already emitted too much CO2 this month.  Results: no power or fuel for you.  Or you try and buy a steak and the guy decides you’ve consumed enough environment-wrecking beef.  You can’t buy it.  Imagine you want to travel to London for a meeting and the AI decides you’ve tweeted something government doesn’t like.  No ticket for you.

The usual voices will see all of this is just conspiracy theory.  But the past three years have proved that today’s conspiracy theory is tomorrow’s fact.  

Just about every theory put forth about COVID and the “vaccines” that was smeared by the powers that be has proven to be fact.  How many people’s lives would have been saved if suppression of science was not the order of the day.

Here are more facts.  All online technology is vulnerable to cyber-attack, theft and fraud.  Banks and the rest are hacked and defrauded all day every day.  There goes your private data.

The consultation document is long and complex.  The elderly, those without smart tech, those who struggle with technology, and even literacy will neither find the document nor be able to take part.  In no way can they give informed consent.  Children and adolescents are at most risk because they cannot give informed consent by definition.

Here’s the thing.  Our governments want digital ID.  For the longest time, most of us have been slaves to debt.  In the future, we’re to be digital slaves.  Our every move on the round-the-clock surveillance and subject to the yes or no of Big Brother.  When it comes to bait and switch, this is the end game.  Once digital IDs are in place, they won’t need the bait anymore because we’ll have swallowed it.

We have until March.  Don’t say you didn’t know what was happening.