Man vs The State

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Bishop Fulton J Sheen, a Catholic bishop, used to do a TV program back in the 50’s and 60’s.  My family used to watch it every week.  Today I am sure some Leftists would try to cancel such a program due to its religious nature and the belief espoused that there is a greater force than man.

Bishop Sheen writing in 1948 says,

 “The basic struggle today is not between individualism and collectivism, free enterprise and socialism, democracy, and dictatorship. These are only the superficial manifestations of a deeper struggle which is moral and spiritual and involves above all else whether man shall exist for the state, or the state for man, and whether freedom is from the spirit or a concession of a materialized society.”

It is clear that our government thinks we exist for the state, and freedom exists only in the measure our government believes we should have. It is also clear that our government is not under the control of the people. We are not a democracy. We are not a democratic republic. The state is an apparatus of an oligarchy, that controls those whom we elect to represent us by providing them with the resources they need to stay in office and maintain power. Most of the people who are offered to us as candidates are beholden to the oligarchy.  The elections are rigged against the people right from the start.

The bishop is correct. It always comes down to the state versus the people. It is not primarily what form the state takes. It is that the state wants to run the show the way it wants, and the people just have to take what they are offered.  That needs to change.

Bishop Sheen also talked about communism and the family. For twenty years Russia worked to abolish the family, but due to disastrous consequences, did an about face in 1935 and started supporting the family full force. Incidentally, he predicted  that after Communism, Russia would become the apostle of Christianity to the rest of the world.

This has come to pass. Russia is now more moral and upright as a nation than America is.  Russia does not permit the grooming of children that we see going on in America.  Russia rejects the moral decadence that infests the American landscape.

We need to return to our moral roots.  The time is now or we will certainly lose our country.